惟楚有才于斯为盛 功参核武绩留人心——祝贺周光召先生从事物理工作五十五周年暨八十华诞

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周光召先生是享誉国际的理论物理学家,我国两弹功臣和国家科技领导者。早在苏联杜布纳联合核子研究所工作时,他就在粒子物理领域做出了重要成就。回国后更为国家的富强和繁荣做出了杰出贡献。尤其在担任中国物理学会理事长和中国科学院院长期间,他为我国物理学研究和教育的发展做出了不懈努力。五十多年来,周光召先生以他渊博的学识、出众的才华、无私奉献的科学精神和统揽全局的战略眼光,投身于我国理论物理学教育、研究,国防和国家科技建设等事业。他在科学上做出的杰出成就,为国防事业创建的丰功伟绩,为科技界做出的巨大贡献,为培育人才队伍和推动自主创新付出的努力,永远值得我们敬仰;他严谨的学风、求真的态度、谦虚的作风、顾全大局的胸怀、奖掖后进的用心,永远值得我们学习。周光召先生一直很关心《物理》杂志的发展,在《物理》创刊20周年和30周年的时候他都曾经题词,给《物理》杂志同仁以热情的鼓励。今年适逢周先生八十华诞,本刊特约请周先生的同事、朋友、学生撰写一组稿件,同时刊登周先生的若干珍贵历史照片,出此专题为他祝寿(因篇幅限制,只能在此刊登部分稿件,其余稿件在《物理》本期网刊刊出)。敬祝周光召先生健康长寿,壮心不已,为国家科技事业做出更多的贡献。 Mr. Zhou Guangzhao is an internationally renowned theoretical physicist, leader of China’s two bombs and science and technology leader. As early as the United Dubae Institute of Nuclear Research at the Soviet Union, he made a significant achievement in the field of particle physics. After returning to China, he made outstanding contributions to the prosperity and prosperity of the country. During his tenure as the chairman of the Chinese Physical Society and the president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he made unremitting efforts for the development of physics research and education in our country. For more than 50 years, Mr. Zhou Guangzhao has devoted himself to the cause of theoretical physics education, research, national defense and national science and technology construction in our country with his profound knowledge, outstanding talent, selfless dedication of scientific spirit and overall strategic vision. His outstanding achievements in science, the tremendous achievements made for the cause of national defense, the tremendous contribution made by the scientific and technological circles, the efforts to nurture the contingent of qualified personnel and the efforts to promote independent innovation will always be worthy of our respect. His rigorous style of study and truth-seeking Attitude, modesty style, the overall situation of the mind, the incentives intentions, always worth our study. Mr. Zhou Guangzhao has been very concerned about the development of “Physics” magazine. He wrote inscriptions on the 20th and 30th anniversary of the founding of “Physics” and encouraged the colleagues of “Physics” with his enthusiasm. This year coincides with Mr. Zhou’s 80th birthday. Our magazine specially invited Mr. Zhou’s colleagues, friends and students to write a series of manuscripts and also publish some precious historical photographs of Mr. Zhou. His special wish for his birthday (due to space limitations, The publication of some of the manuscripts, the rest of the manuscript in the “physical” periodicals published). I wish Mr. Zhou Guangzhao health and longevity, strong heart, for the country to make more contributions to science and technology.
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