Why Does Hair Turn Gray? 为什么头发会变白?

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  If you’ve ever seen a picture of a grandparent when they are young and wondered what made their hair go from dark to light, join us as we find out why hair goes gray.
  Each hair on your head has two parts: a root1 and a shaft2. The root keeps the hairs on your head so they will stay on your scalp3. The shaft is the “long” colored part of hair you see growing on your head. Each root of hair is in a follicle4. Follicles have special kinds of pigment cells5 that make melanin6.
  What’s more, melanin is also responsible7 for the color of your skin and eyes. People who have darker skin have more melanin than those with fair skin.
  If you have ever had a suntan8, you’ve already experienced melanin in action. One of its important jobs is to help take in ultraviolet radiation9 from the sun and protect10 your cells. Though melanin does a great job, it isn’t perfect, which is why it is important to always wear sunscreen11 when you go outdoors.
  When it comes to hair, whether you have blonde, dark, or red hair (or somewhere in between), you can thank melanin. As a person grows up, the pigment cells in the hair follicles begin to die. Much like a suntan begins to fade12 after a few days, when there are fewer pigment cells in the hair follicle, hair color begins to fade, too.
  In many older people, this fading gives the hair a transparent13 color. It shows silver, white, or gray to the human eye. Gray hairs are most noticeable14 in those with dark hair, but people with lighter hair are likely to go gray, too.
  What does this mean for young people? There is no way to know when you will find your first gray hair. What we do know is that going gray is influenced15 by genetics16. You may find it at the same age as your parents and grandparents did.
摘要:利用体验式教学的方式设计并执教了苏教版《化学1》中关于“化学反应与能量”专题的一节理论课。通过设置合理的教学情境,从身边的化学现象引入课堂,再由课堂教学回归关注生活中真实的化学,激发学生的学习热情,鼓励学生合作创新实验设计,带领学生从感性认识逐步上升到理性分析,充分体现学生学习的主体性与教师教学的主导性,让学生深深地感受化学课堂的无限魅力。  关键词:体验式教学;主体性;教学实例  文章编号
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摘要:文章从具体教学实践中,探索指导学生进行有效预习的同时,利用有限的课堂教学时间,对初中化学的基本实验操作、演示实验、基本概念等方面的教学充分发挥学生主观能动性,锻炼学生动手能力,适时引导探究意识,丰富概念的内涵与外延,从而在课堂教学过程中积极锻炼学生思维能力和动手能力,帮助他们形成良好的思维模式和科学素养。  关键词:学生预习;基本实验操作教学;演示实验教学;基本概念教学  文章编号:1008
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摘要:通过实验重整进行复习是化学实验教学研究的重大议题之一。文章设计一个关于鸡蛋的“多米诺”实验,将初三化学中酸的知识点进行整合,帮助学生通过体验构建知识网络,培养科学探究的能力以及绿色化学的科学态度,进而加深对化学的认识。  关键词:“多米诺”实验 ;主题串联;初三化学;酸复习  文章编号:1008-0546(2015)03-0014-04 中图分类号:G633.8 文献标识码:B  一、设计缘
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