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移民政策的实践过程是一个由中央政府、地方政府、市场精英、农民等多元社会行动主体共同参与的社会过程,同时移民扶贫搬迁成本高、难度大、返贫率高。在安置移民工作中,首要的风险就是移民面临的贫困风险,如何解决移民贫困、使移民迅速融入当地的生活,这需要制订切实可行的移民安置计划,实现新移民与本地居民的高度融合、实施多元化移民安置策略。 The process of resettlement policy is a social process involving multiple social actors such as the central government, local governments, market elites and peasants. At the same time, immigrant poverty alleviation and relocation costs are high and difficult, and the rate of returning to poverty is high. In resettlement work, the primary risk is the risk of poverty faced by immigrants. How to solve the problem of immigrant poverty so that immigrants can quickly integrate into local life requires the formulation of feasible resettlement plan to achieve a high degree of integration and implementation of new immigrants and local residents Diversified resettlement strategies.
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