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三月末的清迈已经入夏,老城中沿街的矮院墙里早已伸探出各种繁茂的花枝,一簇簇绚烂的色彩隐藏在深深浅浅的绿色之中,在干燥明亮的阳光下恣意生长。踏着古旧圆润的砖石小路伴着一路的大小佛寺径直寻到城中心,便找到了这家小小的酒店——Early Bird。小酒店的建筑与普通泰国民居相差无几,低矮狭小。层建筑两侧是明亮的玻璃窗,一侧望出去是有东方庭院韵致的花、树、水、佛的玲珑小景;另一侧则是一条铺满白沙卵石的小通道。在店里姑娘们给我们介绍房间时,着重提醒道,小酒店人少安静,所以晚上请不要大声说话,而且酒店的公共空间会早早熄灯关门,如果客人逛街吃饭太晚回来就只能在旁边那条小通道中刷卡进来了。 At the end of March, Chiang Mai has already entered the summer. In the dwarven courtyard along the middle of the old city, a variety of blooming branches have been extended. The clusters of gorgeous colors are hidden in the deep and shallow green, under the bright and dry sunshine. Cowardly growth. Stepping to the center of the city, you will find the Early Bird, a small hotel, on the old, round brick path. The construction of a small hotel is similar to that of an ordinary Thai dwelling. It is small and small. On both sides of the building is a bright glass window. Looking out on one side is the exquisite scenery of the oriental garden with flowers, trees, water and Buddha. On the other side is a small passage covered with white sand and pebbles. When the girls in the store introduced the room to us, they reminded them that the small hotel is quiet, so don’t speak loudly in the evening, and the hotel’s public space will be switched off and turned off early. If the guests are too late to go back for dinner, they can only be next to it. In that small channel swiped in.
春节,对中国人而言也许是一年中最重要的日子。慰劳自己及家人、联络感情、祈福来年,都或多或少地会付诸于采购或消费行为,从而也带动了整个市场的全面旺销。 Spring Festiv
本刊讯日前,巴西ELDORADO公司开始在位于巴西Minas Gerais州兴建世界最大的纸浆厂(位于圣保罗圣多斯港西北方约800km)。生产以桉木为原料的LBKP纸浆,年产能达150万t,预计于20
<正> 阿瑟·密勒在伦敦举行了他近十余年来第一部长剧的全球首映式.这本身已是件大事,但是阿瑟决定将他的新作《翻下毛相山》(《The Ride Down Mount Morgan》)在一个西端(West End)剧院上演,使这里的戏剧爱好者更加兴奋不已.《翻下毛根山》于星期四在魏德汉姆(Wyndham’s)的剧院上演,引起了评论界褒贬不同的反响.但是,这位曾创作了
Gan County of Jiangxi province aims to realize total output value of 6 billion yuan in rare earth industry and achieve tax profit of 800 million yuan during the