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  It is no secret that football, with its often anonymous foot soldiers in the trenches (many without fully guaranteed contracts), is a sport more designed for group expression. The N.B.A., said the former commissioner David Stern, has long been a laboratory focused on the behavior of individuals.
  It has been 21 years since the N.B.A. punished a player for refusing to stand for the national anthem. And that player, Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf, paid a much greater price than the nearly $32,000 he lost for a one-game suspension.
  A flashy 6-foot-1 guard and the Denver Nuggets’ leading scorer for the 1995-96 season, AbdulRauf refused to stand because of personal and religious beliefs. He negotiated a fast truce with the league, acquiescing to its rule requiring players to stand for the anthem in an acceptable posture -while also cupping his hands and bowing his head in adherence to his Muslim faith.

  He was also traded soon after to the Sacramento Kings, and by 1998, at 29, he was out of the league. He became, in essence, a cautionary tale as Colin Kaepernick pursues a case against the N.F.L. accusing it of colluding to deny him a job over his kneeling for the anthem last season.
  Abdul-Rauf did not get much support from his peers.
  "If you ask most players from that era, they’d say they regretted not supporting him more than they did," Buck Williams, who in 1996 was president of the National Basketball Players Association, said in a recent telephone interview. "He was kind of left out on an island."
  That was then, a period largely defined by the soaring popularity of the famously apolitical Michael Jordan. This is now, an era of exploding social media leverage in which N.B.A. player and coaching personalities - more so than their N.F.L. counterparts —have established themselves as recognizable commentators.   那是一个以不关心政治而闻名的迈克尔·乔丹人气急速上升的年代。如今,则是社交媒体爆炸的年代,NBA球员及教练们在这里拥有更高的知名度——他们在社交媒体上的影响力强于NFL的同行。
  So why haven’t N.B.A. players- at least thus far in this young season - joined those among the N.F.L.’s rank and file who have lined up behind the nowunemployed Kaepernick in taking a knee as a means of protest?
  It is not because they fear the wrath of President Trump, or even the punitive arm of the N.B.A.’s league office, according to Michele Roberts, the players union’s executive director.
  They haven’t protested collectively, she said, because they can better do so individually.
  "They don’t need to take a knee when they can communicate their messages on their own," Roberts said in a telephone interview. "LeBron James, all he has to do is tweet and everybody knows exactly how he feels."
  O r h ave “E q u a l it y”embroidered on the back of his sneakers, as James did before the Cleveland Cavaliers’ season opener several weeks ago.
  It is no secret that football, with its often anonymous foot soldiers in the trenches (many without fully guaranteed contracts), is a sport more designed for group expression. The N.B.A., said the former commissioner David Stern, has long been a laboratory focused on the behavior of individuals.
  Asked why the league felt the need to impose a stand-forthe-anthem rule, in effect at least since the early 1980s, Stern said, "It was our minimal standard - when you come out on the court, please stand at attention - because the N.B.A. has always been something of a social cause, these great black athletes trying to work their way in what back in the day could be a hostile white environment."
  He mentioned outsize players and personalities like Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, with far greater visibility and impact in their comparatively intimate workplace.
  In the N.B.A., superficial issues like hairstyles and tattoos have for decades been part of the discussion, and judgment. Kaepernick basically hid his Afro under a helmet, but as far back as the 1970s, Julius Erving’s could excite or aggravate.   在NBA,发型,文身这些肤浅的话题几十年来一直是人们讨论和评判的焦点。卡佩尼克用头盔盖住了爆炸头,但是回到70年代,朱利叶斯·欧文的爆炸头会激发社会的激烈讨论。

  By March 1996, when AbdulRauf was suspended, Jordan was arguably the world’s most admired athlete and the N.B.A. was enjoying exponential domestic and global growth. Still, as Williams said,"Race was the elephant in the room, and though I think David tried his best to deal with it, it was something that terrified the N.B.A."
  Although Stern said he didn’t believe Abdul-Rauf had been shunned by the league for his stance, and pointed out that he did return briefly with the Vancouver Grizzlies in 2000, Abdul-Rauf apparently believes otherwise.
  Playing in the inaugural season of the Big3 league this year, his hair and beard speckled with gray, Abdul-Rauf, 48, continued to bow his head, close his eyes and pray during the playing of the anthem, which he maintains symbolizes oppression. In 2016, he told ESPN that he was at peace for keeping with his principles, despite career sacrifices.
  It would be na?ve to think that the elephant of race has left the room, but 21st-century N.B.A. players are riding and even steering it, Roberts said, and without much direction from her.
  When James, Dwyane Wade, Carmelo Anthony and Chris Paul used measured tones at the 2016 ESPY Awards to decry violence against African-Americans as well as against the police, Roberts said she was among the last people to hear it was going to happen.
  "I haven’t had a single player ask me, ’What should we do?’" she said. "And I’m not intimidated or fearful of how they will be judged because I know whatever they do, they will do respectfully and with compassion."
  Too sweeping a generalization, perhaps. In such a volatile or hostile environment, restraint or respect is not always possible. Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors tangled on Twitter with the president over the prospect of his team’s visit to the White House, and James weighed in on the exchange rather inelegantly.   也许是打破泛化的固有印象。在如此多变或敌对的环境中,克制或者尊重并非必然可能。勇士的斯蒂芬·库里在推特上因为球队拜访白宫一事和总统针锋相对,而詹姆斯回应时的言语并不怎么优雅。

  Tough rhetoric has been heard from coaches, too, such as Steve Kerr of the Warriors and especially Gregg Popovich of the San Antonio Spurs. But the residual effect, from the players’ perspective, could be that they recognize they are no longer inhabiting the island that Williams said Abdul-Rauf was on 21 years ago.
  Indeed, N.B.A. players share vivid memories of how swiftly and strongly Adam Silver, the current commissioner, dealt with the ramblings of Donald Sterling, the former Los Angeles Clippers’ owner, in 2014. This September, Silver and Roberts signed a letter in support of the players’ social activism.
  "Adam was on the money with Sterling, and he’s been on the money today," Roberts said. "But I don’t think the players are behaving this way because the league supports them. They’re acting based on how they feel, though they do appreciate the way the league supports them."
  And if somebody kneels this season during the anthem? Silver has said he expects players to stand but declined to offer what he might do if they do not.
  Roberts was also mum, though not completely.
  "I’m not going to comment on what hasn’t happened yet," she said. "Still, I can’t imagine telling players that we support you but if you express yourself on an issue you feel strongly about, we’re going to punish you."
赛季开始前的休赛期,也是《NBA2K》重要的广告宣传时段,如何哄骗老玩家接着“续费”,同时引诱新玩家入坑,就看这几个月所下的功夫了,而玩家最关心的毫无疑问还是新作将会出现哪些新内容。  如今的主机版《NBA2K》已经是整个篮球文化的互动数字载体,除了详实的球员数据以外,那些和运动员本身密切相关的运动装备也成为了游戏里必须还原的部分。《2K18》中则是在原有基础上收录了夏季刚刚推出的几款新球鞋,另外
现在我们很高兴地宣布,2017-18赛季高中篮球日记的作者,就是齐昂·威廉姆森。ZW,欢迎加入SLAM!  全世界的朋友们,大家好!欢迎你们来到我的第一篇日记专栏。我的六月过得非常繁忙。我第一次离开美国,前往意大利,去了罗马,特莱维索和威尼斯,参加了阿迪达斯的欧洲训练营。  那边的环境和美国完全不同,但总体来说我很享受这段经历。因为作为一个16岁的孩子,现在我可以说,我已经出过国了,我很高兴能带着
在明星纪录片《穿越火焰》中,摄像机镜头跟随着高三学生塞巴斯蒂安·特尔费尔。他和家人试着处理好年少成名的问题,他们试图权衡这位科尼岛英雄是该走进大学,还是宣布参加NBA选秀。在电影的高潮处,这个小家伙在2004年的选秀中第13顺位被开拓者选中,特尔费尔和家人一起享受着这美妙的时刻。特尔费尔的家人和这座养育他的村庄一起庆祝着这个孩子的成功,他们挥洒着泪水,相互拥抱。  第二天早晨,镜头捕捉到了塞巴斯蒂
乔尔·恩比德开始第一场NBA常规赛时,他和德鲁·汉伦一起驱车赶向场馆。恩比德是首发,不过他的私人训练师汉伦告诫他,这次恢复将会是缓慢的过程。恩比德接下来的赛季中,出场时间被严格限制在20分钟。但尽管如此,恩比德还是有着自己的“小目标”。  “他告诉我,他希望本赛季能场均得到20分,”汉伦说,“我回答他,‘乔尔,我相信你健康的时候,你能正常打球的时候,你将会成为NBA最棒的大个子之一。但是现在平均一
蒂芬妮·米切尔  1.75米/G/印第安纳狂热  小时候,蒂芬妮·米切尔把精力都放在了跑步和空手道上。但她总感觉缺失了什么。  直到她开始在AAU篮球联盟中赢下各种冠军,其他运动在她的生活中便走到了终点。  “小时候我就像住在体育馆里一样。”左手控球的米切尔说,“我们会从一个青年中心到下一个青年中心,就为了打打比赛。假如一个地方关门,我们会坐车去下一个地方,和他们一起打比赛。”  在北卡罗莱纳夏洛
不久之前,鲍勃·乐福踏入了位于芝加哥联合中心的一个电梯里,他遇到了一个家庭,身为公牛社会关系部总监的他,有着这个职位所需要的和蔼与开朗,于是,他开始主动向这个家庭搭话。  其中一个较年长的家庭成员还记得当年鲍勃在公牛效力的日子,那时他是个很能得分的小前锋;而年纪轻些的成员则曾经在附近的学校听过鲍勃的演讲,这对于曾因口吃而无法和队友交流,无法在暂停时表达自己的意见的鲍勃来说,甚至比他在场上取得的成就
自从1996年后,达雷尔·格里菲斯就再没打过篮球,在此的16年前,他曾带领路易斯维尔大学荣获队史首个NCAA总冠军。然而在1996年的春天,那个曾外号是“扣因斯坦博士”的格里菲斯弹跳不再,他的NBA生涯也就此結束。不过现在,格里菲斯依然保持着自己的体型,他依旧在勤勤恳恳地为母校工作着。  “我还保持着自己打球时的体重,”格里菲斯说,“我退役时的目标之一,就是保持好的体型。上帝让我成为了世界顶级的运
在球馆里的人都感到困惑,这个跟着美洲豹队热身的小孩到底是谁?某人的弟弟?饮水机男孩?还是吉祥物?他们都不相信他会打球。在印第安纳,七年级的AUU比赛竞争非常激烈。所以四年级的埃里克·戈登给他们的感觉就是“四年级,你开玩笑吧?”  在回忆当年在印第安纳波利斯的中北区高中的情景时,戈登的父亲说,“除埃里克是四年级,其他人都是七年级的孩子,所以他们让埃里克待在板凳席。他们赢下了当年的AUU州冠军,而作为
当凯里·欧文在今年东部决赛对阵凯尔特人的第四场比赛中砍下42分后,前NBA全明星球员,现热火助教朱万·霍华德和一位老朋友聊起了欧文的表现。霍华德对于欧文在油漆区的杂耍上篮印象尤为深刻,他表示欧文那随意折叠瘦小身躯(NBA标准中的瘦小),随意控制手中的球,在面对大个时还能找到切入点的本事让其尤为敬佩。  而这一切表现,都会让他想起自己的一个在华盛顿子弹队时的前队友,一个拥有强壮身躯的1.91米高控卫