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香坊车站服务区内有大小三百五十多个工厂企业,铁路为之服务的专用线有四十多条,装卸业务量很大,过去由于装卸机具落后和运输组织管理工作跟不上形势发展,因之对铁路和企业的生产工作影响都很大。车站职工、立足现实,依靠地方党委,在铁路局和分局的直接领导下,从加强路厂协作入手,大力进行运输组织工作的改革,并逐步形成了比较完善的“大宗货物统一接卸和统一分配”的管理办法,从而使车站工作基本上走向计划化的轨道,使车站工作面貌一新,各项指标大跃进,特别是对服务区内工厂企业的生产起到了很好的保证和促进作用。这一实践,充分体现出了社会主义制度的优越性。为了推动这一工作的发展,本刊将分三期来介绍他们关于燃料油、矿建和煤的统一接卸和统一分配办法,供借鉴。 Xiangfang station service area within the size of more than 350 factories and enterprises, the railway service there are more than 40 dedicated lines, loading and unloading a large volume of business in the past due to the lack of handling equipment and transportation management can not keep up with the situation Development, which has a great impact on the railway and the production of enterprises. Station workers, based on reality, relying on the local party committees, under the direct leadership of the Railway Bureau and Branch, start with strengthening road and plant cooperation, vigorously carry out the reform of transport organization, and gradually formed a relatively complete “unloading and unification of bulk goods Distribution ”management approach, so that the station basically move to the planned track, a new look at the station, all indicators of the great leap forward, especially in the service area factory production enterprises played a very good guarantee and promotion . This practice fully reflects the superiority of the socialist system. In order to promote the development of this work, the journal will introduce in three phases about their unified handling and unified allocation of fuel oil, mining construction and coal for reference.
高一册《赤壁之战》的注释有几处欠妥,现提出来和大家商讨。 1.非刘豫州莫可以当曹操者。“可以”,课本注:“即现代汉语的‘可以’。”如按此注,这句得译“除了刘豫州外就没
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我段配属的东风型内燃机车的动力装置为10L207E 型柴油机,其机体为焊接结构,由20号钢钢板拼焊而成。由于我段担负的金城江—麻尾区段是一个运行条件比较困难的区段,柴油机经