Greetings and Best Wishes

来源 :生物加工过程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:corbet2003
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I am indeed very honored and delighted when Prof.Pingkai Ouyang asked me to write a preface article forthe new Chinese Journal of Bioprocess Engineering. Although,as a chemical engineer,I have been working in the petroleum and chemical industries for fortyyears,I did have the opportunity of conducting research and development work in the field of biotechnology forseveral years.My research was in both biochemical and biomedical areas.Because of this experience,I appre-ciate very much the importance of biotechnology and bioprocessing.Being familiar with this field,I feel the ex-citement and high anticipation about this new Journal.I wish to offer to Prof.Ouyang and his staff editors my I am indeed very honored and delighted when Prof. Pingkai Ouyang asked me to write a preface article forthe new Chinese Journal of Bioprocess Engineering. Although, as a chemical engineer, I have been working in the petroleum and chemical industries for forty years, I did have the opportunity of conducting research and development work in the field of biotechnology forseveral years. My research was in both biochemical and biomedical areas. Because of this experience, I appre-ciate very much the importance of biotechnology and bioprocessing. Beeing familiar with this field, I feel the ex-citement and high anticipation about this new Journal.I wish to offer to Prof.Ouyang and his staff editors my
你有才能、抱负、专长和一份你想要的工作,然而你的事业却总不能如你所预期的那样顺利进行。虽然你工作努力,及时完成任务, You have talent, ambition, expertise and a j
桃核承气汤出自张仲景《伤寒沦》,由桃仁、大黄、桂枝、甘草、芒硝组成。笔者师仲景之法扩大用治疗多种疾病每获佳效,现举案例如下,供同道参考。 1 急性肝脓肿徐某,男,28岁,