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各区、县人民政府,市政府各委、办、局,各市属机构: 根据国家有关部门部署,2005年春运自1月25日始至3月5日止,共40天。为切实做好本市春运工作,经市政府同意,现将有关事项通知如下: 一、加强组织领导,建立协调工作机制。春运工作关系人民群众的切身利益。各部门、各单位要高度重视,互相配合,搞好衔接,认真做好客运组织和服务工作,让全市人民和来京游客度过一个喜庆祥和的春节。2005年春运工作要遵循“以人为本, All districts, county people’s governments, municipal government committees, offices, bureaus and municipal agencies: According to the deployment of relevant state departments, the 2005 Spring Festival from January 25 until March 5, a total of 40 days. In order to earnestly do a good job in the city’s Spring Festival transportation work, with the agreement of the municipal government, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows: I. Strengthening organization and leadership and establishing a coordination mechanism. The work of the Spring Festival has a bearing on the immediate interests of the people. All departments and units should attach great importance to and cooperate with each other to improve the linkages and conscientiously do a good job in the organization and service of passenger transport so that the people of the city and tourists to Beijing will have a happy and peaceful Spring Festival. 2005 Spring Festival work to follow ”people-oriented,
【正】各区、县人民政府,市政府各委、办、局,各市属机构: 《北京市文化市场行政执法总队(北京市"扫黄打非"办公室)主要职责、内设机构和人员编制规定》经市政府批准,现予印
In this study, based on the data on the frequency of waterlogging events and the number of waterlogging days of 1,638 stations from 1961 to 2016, a variety of m
【正】各区、县人民政府,市政府各委、办、局,各市属机构: 市农委提出的《关于实施富民养山工程加快山区发展的意见》已经市政府同意,现转发给你们,请结合实际认真贯彻执行。