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《国务院关于行政区划管理的规定》(即国发[1985]8号文件)已翻印发至县,现结合我省实际情况,提出如下贯彻意见,请一并按照执行。一、我省各级行政区划特别是乡一级的行政区划,经过长期的历史演变和建国后的多次调整,已趋于稳定并多为广大人民群众所习惯,因此,应注意保持稳定,不要轻意变更。如确需变更时,要按照《国务院关于行政区划管理的规定》中提出的“有利于社会主义现代化建设,有利于行政管理,有利于民族团结,有利于巩固国防的原则”制订变更方案,逐级上报,经批准以后,方能变更。 The “Regulations of the State Council on Administrative Division Management” (ie Guo Fa [1985] No. 8 Document) has been reprinted and issued to the county. In light of the actual conditions in our province, we hereby put forward the following opinions and implement them in accordance with the actual conditions. First, the administrative divisions at all levels in our province, especially at the township level, have become more and more used by the broad masses of the people after long-term historical evolution and many adjustments after the founding of the People’s Republic. Therefore, we should pay attention to maintaining stability, Do not care about change. In the event of a change, the principle of “contributing to the socialist modernization, favoring administration, promoting national unity and promoting the consolidation of national defense” should be formulated in accordance with the “Regulations of the State Council on Administrative Division Management” , Escalated reporting, after approval, before being able to change.
贯彻《教师法》 教师的心声──在银川地区学习宣传《教师法》大会上的发言银川一中陈毓秦今天,自治区和银川市人民政府在这里隆重召开银川地区学习宣传《教师法》大会,这既是
现将《中华人民共和国商标法实施细则》发给你们,请认真按照执行。第一条根据《中华人民共和国商标法》(以下简称《商标法》)第四十二条的规定,特制定 Now “the People’s
《吉林省渔业管理条例》已经一九八四年二月十八日吉林省第六届人民代表大会常务委员会第五次会议原则批准。现予公布施行。 The Jilin Provincial Fisheries Management O
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