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3月中旬,张掖市委“学教”活动领导小组专门召开会议,对全市“学教”活动回查工作进行了认真部署,并从十个方面提出具体措施:一是加强督查力量。市委督查组由原来的11个增加到36个,人员由44人增加到83人,每个乡镇三至五个部门有一个督查组,并由11名县级领导牵头分片负责把关协调,强化督查责任制。二是强化检查指导。市上四大班子领导在原已深入联系点的基础上,至少再到各自的联系点三次以上,进行理论学习与补课辅导,帮助乡镇和各部门找准问题,理清思路,强化整改,加强对联系点“学教”活动的检查指导,把坚持开展好“三个十”活动与指导好乡镇、部门“学教”活动回查工作有机结合起来,带头体察民情,为民排忧解难。 In mid-March, the leading group of Zhangye Municipal Party Committee held a special meeting to conduct a careful deployment of the “back-to-school” activities of the city and put forward specific measures from ten aspects: First, to strengthen supervision and inspection power. The number of municipal inspection teams increased from 11 to 36, and the number of officers increased from 44 to 83. Each of the three to five departments in each township has a supervision team. Eleven county-level leaders took the lead in organizing the inspection and coordination , Strengthen supervision responsibility system. Second, strengthen the inspection guidance. On the basis of the original point of contact, the leaders of the four leading groups in the city shall at least go to their respective contact points three times or more to carry out theoretical study and remedial instruction so as to help the township and government departments identify problems, clarify their thinking, strengthen rectification and rectification, Contact point “learning to teach ” activities of the inspection guidance, to carry out the good “three ten ” activities and guiding the township, department “learning to teach ” activities back to work combined organically, take the lead in investigating the public feelings for People solve problems.
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本论文设计合成了一系列新型的水溶性共轭聚合物,并围绕它们的设计、合成及其在化学与生物识别及传感中的应用,开展了以下几个方面的研究工作:   1.设计、合成了阳离子芴、噻
一、设参数法的思想  本章中关于求比例线段长度的问题,可以采用设参数的方法来巧解。
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所谓情景教学模式就是在教学的过程中教师有目的性地把一些具有一定感情色彩的并且以形象为主体的具体情景引入到教学中,以此来激发起学生一定程度上的态度体验,最终起到帮助学生理解知识和技能的作用,而且能够让学生的心理机能在一定程度上得到充分的发展。  在英语的教学过程中,通常对情景的引入,主要是教师根据教学内容为中心展开的,然后按照学生各自的发展情况来进行,情景教学目的在于不但能够激发起学生学习的兴趣,而