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  Hostess: Teaching kids the value of a dollar seems to be 1)passé to many families. Maybe it never even happened, in fact. It’s probably true that it’s never been more necessary than now. We want our children to have the best we can afford, but are we spoiling them in the process? Here to guide us through this thorny issue is bestselling author David Bach, whose new book is called Go Green, Live Rich. And everything is, I guess, these days, go green, live rich, and also teach your kids about the environment, teach your kids about money.
  David: Absolutely. I mean, where do kids learn things? You know, we send them to school, but the things that are really important, like money, it’s usually not taught in school. In fact, it’s almost never taught in school. So if you look at my life, my life was really shaped by my grandmother.
  And my grandmother taught me about money starting at the age of seven. And my first lesson happened in McDonald’s. So at McDonald’s, she said, “I want you to walk up to the manager, and I want you to ask the manager if, if this company’s 2)publicly traded.” I said, “C’mon, what are you talking about?” And I literally walked up to the manager, and the manager came back to the table with me, and said to my grandmother, “Yes, the company’s publicly traded.” And she said, “I know that, but I wanted him to learn how to ask.”
  Now I get chills thinking about that, because that was my first experience at being somewhere, my favorite restaurant in the whole world, and learning to think about what that meant, that you could invest in that company.
  Hostess: These days, and I think it’s been going on for years; people don’t address the issue of money in front of children. They don’t know what anything costs, they don’t know—all they know is that I want more, I want more. So the bottom line is start with something as simple as that. But you have to know what it is, too.
  David: It can start with as simple as taking your change out of your pocket when you come home, and I give it to my son, Jack who’s four and three quarters. I give him my change, and he puts it in his piggy bank. Now what we’re starting to talk about is how, when we fill up that piggy bank, we’re going to give some money to 3)charity, and he’ll help make somebody’s life better with that money. We’ll go buy a present or a gift for somebody to help somebody else. And then we’ll take that money down to the bank, and we’ll open him up a savings account. So I’m starting to teach him about the value of money, but also that money’s for you, but money’s for helping other people.
  Hostess: What about stocks for children? I mean, how do you teach them at a young age, in their early teens or even pre-teen?
  David: So simple. You, just like my grandmother got me into buying McDonald’s stock, ’cause that was my favorite restaurant in the whole world at the time, you buy a stock for your kids in a company that they’re already into. So if your kids are playing video games, Electronic Arts makes the video games. That’s a great example. Maybe they’re into some kind of cool shoe. What are the, maybe it’s Nike. You buy them Nike. Or maybe they’re into Disney. You know, one of the first stocks I ever owned was Disney. It should be something that the kids are excited about. Not that you’re excited about, but that the kids are excited about.
  Hostess:How much information do you give a child about the expenses in the home?
  David: I think it comes down to the, the 4)appropriate age. I know that growing up, my parents always talked to me about money. And my parents always shared with us what was going on. And I think that that’s really important. I think too many parents try to shield their kids from what’s going on financially.
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交友、恋爱、相亲,这些不是年轻人的专利,我们似乎也都知道,但很少有人考虑过这一切在老年人中间是怎样进行的。放慢脚步,用心观察,它们就可能发生在我们身边。  有的时候,一家商店的作用不仅仅是卖东西那么简单 特别是如果谈到的这家商店内有许多舒适的家具和一个不错的咖啡厅。在宜家全球连锁家居店的上海分店里,每周两次,都有一群孤独的心聚在这里进行非正式的见面。他们在宜家店里聚会为的是享受这里的免费咖啡,与
都说和尚僧人过着两耳不闻窗外事,只顾念经打坐的平淡日子。可有一群僧侣却涉世与政府和世俗打交道,为的是佛祖头上的一片树荫。  发电厂和耗油量大的汽车通常是形成温室气体排放污染,造成地球变暖的众矢之的,但森林砍伐也同样罪责难逃。根据联合国的数据,大约有五分之一的温室气体污染源于树林砍伐。这是一个很棘手的问题,但在柬埔寨的一个偏远角落,有一群僧人希望尽一己之力改变局面。
‘Is there anybody there?’ said the Traveller,   Knocking on the moonlit door;   And his horse in the silence 1)champed the grasses   Of the forest’s 2)ferny floor.   And a bird flew up out of the 3)tu