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这些年主编《南口厂报》的实践,越发使我感到新闻意识强弱,对于办好一张企业报是至关重要的. 新闻意识至少可归纳为“三个较强”。即,决断能力较强;贴近能力较强;竞争能力较强。决断能力较强是对企业报总编辑第一位要求。这种能力可视为善于观察事物、善于评价事物、善于表现事物。30前,我参与办南口工厂前三张厂报时,厂报均是以党委机关报的面目出现。这次厂报复刊又是党委主办。但,《南口厂报》却始终以经济建设为中心,历年厂报上发表的关于企业生产经营的稿件均在81%以上。30年前办厂报只懂得让党委满意就行,今天的《南口厂报》却时刻想着赢得7000名职工欢迎。总编辑的新闻贴近能力。 The practice of compiling “Nankou Factory Newspaper” in these years has made me feel more and more aware of the news, which is of crucial importance for running an enterprise newspaper. At least, the news consciousness can be summed up as “three stronger”. That is, a strong ability to decide; close to the ability of strong competitive ability. Strong ability to make a decision is the first requirement for the chief editor of the enterprise. This ability can be regarded as good at observing things, good at evaluating things, good at expressing things. 30 ago, I participated in the first three factories in Nankou Factory reported that the factory newspaper are reported to the organs of party organs appear. The factory newspaper is also sponsored by the party committee. However, “Nankou Plant Newspaper” has always been centered on economic construction. All the manuscripts published in the previous years about the production and operation of enterprises are above 81%. 30 years ago to set up factories reported only know how to make party satisfaction on the line, today’s “Nankou factory newspaper,” but always thinking about winning 7000 workers welcome. Chief editor of news close ability.
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