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可以这么说,几乎每个人都买过保险,只是很多人不把它放在心上,更不用说发生意外后向保险公司索赔了。下面几个险种就是容易被人忽略的。 母婴安康保险 通常是保险公司与医院签订长期协议,由医院代为办理。按照有关保险条款规定,凡持有准生证、身体健康、产前体检正常的孕妇,都可以自愿投保该险种。此后,从办理入院手续到分娩养护出院、产妇或婴儿如发生死亡、伤残、病残等情况,保险公司均会依照规定给予赔款。在这里要提醒大家的是,很多孕妇在医院或医生的要求下买了保险,却不细看具体内容就将保单束之高阁,结果一旦出现应该给付保险赔款的情况,自己却全然不知。 中小学生平安保险 一般是由学校集体为学生投 It can be said that almost everyone has bought insurance, but many people do not mind it, let alone claim an insurance company after an accident. The following types of insurance is easy to be ignored. Maternal and child health insurance is usually insurance companies and hospitals signed a long-term agreement to be handled by the hospital. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the insurance, who hold a health permit, physical health, normal prenatal examination of pregnant women, can voluntarily insure the insurance. Since then, from the admission procedures to delivery and maintenance of discharge, maternal or infant death, disability, sickness and other circumstances, the insurance company will be given compensation in accordance with the provisions. Here to remind everyone that many pregnant women in the hospital or doctor’s request to buy insurance, but do not look at the specific content of the insurance policy shelved, the results should be paid in the event of insurance claims, but I do not know. Primary and secondary safety education is generally by the school collective for students vote
在任何一个国家,走进任何一个食品商店,你会发现巧克力食品琳琅满目:牛奶巧克力、 In any country, go to any one food store, you will find an array of chocolate food
不少人喜欢把蛋壳倒扣在花盆里,或者将废茶叶倒在盆土上,以为这样会给花卉增加养分,促进盆花快速生长和开花,其实效果恰恰相反。 蛋壳扣在花盆里,残留的蛋清会慢慢渗入盆土
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在美国纽约华侨聚居的宰也街有一个很有名的“双英斋面行”,该店商标是“Yat Gaw Mien”,粤 In the United States New York live in Jardine of the Street there is a we
砧板(即菜板)通常是用银杏树(白果树)、橄榄树、樟树、皂角村、榆树,等木质材料做成的,但往 Chopping boards (chopping boards) are usually made of wooden materials su