Study on stakeholder Analysis—the trend of shift towards stakeholder value oriented management

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  Abstract:Stakeholder Analysis is used to analyze all individuals (and organizations) that are relevant to the interests of the customer,helping clients to distinguish between significant stakeholders' impact on strategy in the strategy formulation.This report first defines the concept of stakeholder and then use it to analysis the leading fashion cloth brand --H&M.
  Key word:Stakeholder ;Strategy; H&M
  1.How to define the stakeholder
  The stakeholder is a person,group or organization that has interest or concern in an organization.It may be internal to the customer like employees or may be external to the customer like supplier or pressure group.The stakeholder has close connection with the company’s profit.It can have both positive and negative impact to the company.
  2.The step of stakeholder analyses
  A complete analysis usually takes five steps.At first is to identify the organization’s stakeholders,it’s time to have a brainstorming or observe the relevant people in the actual practice.Then,we can identify them by some criteria like influence and interest.Those person who are low influence and lowinterst in the organization in like apathetics,they do not care about the company too much.Low influence but high interest people in the organization are defenders,they are not active in the group but they invest more and hold the situation of the company.Latents refers to those people who are high influence in the group but low interest.High influence and high interest people in the organization are promoters,they can drive the company's continued prosperity.
  The third step is to know what kind of needs the stakeholders have.Sometimes it will be complexity,dealing with the stakeholders takes a lot of time and effort.Next is trying to anticipate the likely behavior of the stakeholders toward the organizational last,it’s time to develop strategies for how to handle the stakeholders.We should use different method towards different people and make sure the whole organization in an efficient way.For the pressure group,they also have manycompetitor in the market,like ZARA and Unique,they have to have their own advantages to win the market.
  3.Stakeholder Analyses
  Take the company H&M as an example,Hennes & Mauritz is a Swedish multinational clothing-retail company which offers fashion and quality clothingat the best price.H&M and its associated companies operate in 62 countries with over 4,500 stores,so there are many stakeholders related to this company.   To identify the stakeholders,it can be divided into two parts,internal stakeholders and externalstakeholders.In the H&M company,the internal stakeholders include its employees,salesman,managers and owners.What kind of employees they choose directly determines the quality of their service.The majority of the employees are young people,because their target customer is among 18-25 years old.The employees work in this company to get the satisfactory salary and the comfortable working environment.They also have many kinds of external stakeholders.They don’t have their own factory,but they choose to corporate with various factories all over the world.Their suppliers provide them with high-quality and low-price clothes.For many years,they have worked hard to build strong,long-term relations with our suppliers,based on mutual trust and transparency.
  Then,is the support from government as a Sweden company,it has exported to more than 62 countries,they have gain the conformance to legal requirements and the company also will contribute to the economy.H&M has a good society reputation,society is also one of theirstakeholders.They provide many job vacancy to the society and also make the sponsorship to help the difficulty people.Shareholders refer to the person who has invest to the company and they are supposed to get return on investment.
  Nowadays,more and more shifts towards a stakeholder value oriented management.Focusing on the needs of stakeholders can enable the company to better manage,and H&M's success is inseparable from the efforts of stakeholders.
  Author:Mengting XU.She was born in January 1997,in Kaifeng City Henan province.Nationality:China.Now is a student in Henan university,major in e-commerce.
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