
来源 :北京机械工业学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:j_program
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振动信号处理部分是对计算机采样进来的加速度信号进行滤波,以消除噪声影响;以振动烈度的形式显示机构振动情况;采用 FFT 算法对速度信号进行频谱分析。实验结果表明,系统可以有效的消除外界噪声影响,并能准确地显示机构的振动烈度值和频谱分析结果。 The vibration signal processing part filters the acceleration signal sampled by the computer to eliminate the influence of noise; the mechanism vibration is displayed in the form of vibration intensity; and the FFT algorithm is used to perform frequency spectrum analysis on the speed signal. The experimental results show that the system can effectively eliminate the influence of external noise, and can accurately display the vibration intensity of the mechanism and spectrum analysis results.
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越是艰苦和危险,越能锻炼和造就人我开始从事隧道施工工作是在1994年,当时我面临着人生第一次重大决择:要不要顶替即将退休的父亲,加入到筑路人的队伍,成为一名最基 The har