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  摘 要:电子商务的产生与发展给传统的国际经济贸易带来新的活力,并且逐渐改变着人们的工作方式和思维方式,成为了21世纪国际贸易的主要方式和经济增长的重要引擎。
  关键词:电子商务 国际贸易 存在问题
  ABSTRACT: The emergence and development of e-commerce brings new vitality and changes the traditional way of working and thinking, becoming the main way of economic growth of international trade in the 21st century.
  Key Words: international trade e-commerce problems
  E-commerce is an emerging modern way of operating business. Been widely used in international trade, e-commerce promotes the reform of international trade, and becomes the most important business model.
  A.The Overview of E-commerce
  E-commerce is an emerging business model; it is electronic and networked almost all business and all trade activities. Using electronic information networks, based on systematic electronic tools, objected to commodity trade and other economic activities, e-commerce is used to electronic data exchanging and online transactions. Relied on the features of trading technology, spatial virtualization, the globalization of markets, e-commerce is widely used in international trade, promoting the growth of global economic.
  B. the Impact of Electronic Commerce on International Trade
  a. accelerating economic and trade integration, forming the large international market
  By passing an invisible network of information, e-commerce breaks the existing regional international trade market and creates a new virtual, three-dimensional and open market. Connecting together the word markets, it regulates the relationship of the global economy and the flow of goods. Meanwhile, the formation of a large international market has also deepened the division in producing.
  b. promoting innovation
  The application of advanced network technology simplifies the processes of international trade, increases the business entity in international trade, and also increases the number of enterprises in international markets, so does the competition between enterprises. The new technology brings the innovation. And in order to come out on top in international trade, all of the enterprises need to explore and innovate.
  c. changed the way of competition
  Compared to the traditional international trade which focuses on the product competition or service competition, the e-commerce trade seizes the initiative and gets better results because of its advanced business model, fast service speed and quality of supply chain.   d. changing the cost structure
  Because the traditional international trade processes are more complex, correspondingly the costs are also higher. And due to e-commerce applications facilitates the processes of transaction, it can dramatically reduce costs. In fact, e-commerce has also increased the cost in some aspects, such as the new information technologies. However, contrasted to the transaction costs it reduced, these increased ones are insignificant.
  e. changed the oversight and management
  E-commerce looks network as the main media. In one hand, it increases the flow of international economic. In the other hand, it brings the crisis of information security. Therefore, the development of e-commerce put forward new demands to the traditional regulatory model, prompting the government to innovate the way of oversight and management and carry out the electronic monitoring to improve regulatory efficiency.
  C.the Problems of E-commerce Applications in Our Country
  a. the lack of initiative
  Although the advantages and the importance of e-commerce are recognized and valued by domestic and foreign enterprises, but most SMES are still in the trial stage of the e-commerce application, and the application systems and technologies in these e-commerce enterprises were not mature currently.
  b. the lack of awareness
  The budding of E-commerce is late in our country, so SMES generally lack the reserves and awareness of theory in e-commerce. While some companies started to use e-commerce for international trade, but the range of practical applications is smaller, the utilization is low, not to mention the e-commerce in the true sense.
  c. the lack of talents
  At present, the speed of training professional people in e-commerce can hardly meet the growing demand for talent in the society in our country. Because of the lack of talents, and the emphasis on talents, the enterprises are restricting the construction and development of e-commerce enterprises.
  The development of e-commerce has brought vitality for international trade. It has been greatly improved over traditional trading patterns, and promoted the development of global economic, and has brought a positive meaning to many aspects. However, we should see the problems and seek to improve the technology and ourselves in the pursuit of economic efficiency.
摘 要:随着我国社会经济的不断发展与进步,信息技术的不断成熟与普及,实现交通行业的信息化建设成为当今交通行业不可避免的发展趋势,交通行业也正在随着信息技术的快速发展发生着巨大的变化,本文在分析了交通统计信息化建设必要性的基础上,对加强交通统计信息化建设的对策进行研究。  关键词:交通 统计 信息化  0、引言  随着我国经济社会的发展,交通事业也在不断的发展壮大,国家对交通事业的关注程度逐渐提升的
摘 要:随着我国市场经济的不断发展与进步,交通统计信息作为能够反映国民经济和社会整体发展状况的依据,在政府决策、国家宏观调控及社会发展中占据重要地位,开始更加关注统计数据的科学准确性,对交通统计数据提出了一些新的要求,本文基于此,在分析了我市交通统计问题的基础上,研究了建立交通统计网络直报的优势与对策。  关键词:交通 统计 网络直报  1、我市交通统计问题  1.1、统计系统不统一,数据分散  
摘 要:本文重点对我国国有企业集团资金管理现存问题进行剖析,并针对目前国有企业集团资金管理的现状,结合国内外企业集团的资金管理经验,提出一系列资金管理对策。  关键词:国有企业集团 资金管理 对策  1、我国国有企业集团资金管理存在的问题分析  1.1、资金管理无章可循或是有章无序  目前,依然有部分企业集团尚未建立健全财务预算制度,有些企业虽然制定了预算制度,但形同虚设,没有严格执行预算制度,致
摘 要:玉米不仅是我国重要的经济作物,而且对我国农业发展起着关键性作用,所以,既要重视提高玉米产量,也不能忽视对玉米种植技术的推广。要选择合适的玉米品种,在不同阶段推广应用相应的玉米种植技术,提供有利于生长的土壤环境,采取合适的植株数。  关键词:玉米 种植技术 推广  1、玉米种植的重要意义  第一,玉米凭借适应能力强和高产的特点占据着粮食作物的重要位置,玉米还具有稳产的优势,因此,深受广大农民
摘 要:本文以视觉传达教学的定位为切入点,探讨了工作室模式教学的必要性和可行性。以品牌策划设计工作室为例,对视觉传达工作室模式教学的教学理念、教学特色、教学内容、教学成果进行分析和总结,力求不断完善视觉传达工作室模式教学,提高视觉传达专业的教学质量。  关键词:视觉传达 工作室模式  1、视觉传达教学定位  视觉传达设计是指利用视觉符号来传递各种信息的设计。所谓“视觉符号”,是指人类的视觉器官——
摘 要:饲料和畜产品安全事关食品安全、百姓生活,与农民增收和社会稳定密切相关,已成为全社会关注的热点和农产品出口贸易争端的焦点,因此,无论从满足国内消费者的需求来说,还是从扩大国际贸易来说,认真负责地做好饲料和畜产品安全工作都是一项十分重要的任务。本文从多个方面论述了饲料添加剂在畜牧生产实践中的应用,以供参考。  关键词:饲料 畜产品 饲料添加剂 畜牧业  在饲料中合理正确地应用添加剂可提高畜禽的
摘 要:近年来,房车旅游在中国作为一种新兴的旅游方式,进入了大众的眼中。四川省作为全国的旅游强省,旅游发展已取得很大成效,旅游交通条件持续改善,为房车旅游发展创造了条件。结合四川的情况,本文为四川发展房车旅游提出了建立健全的标准化管理机构、加大宣传力度、加快房车营地及配套设施建设、更新消费理念、完善房车相关政策法规等建议。  关键词:房车旅游 发展 四川省  房车旅游是一种以房车为载体的旅游方式,
摘 要:企业通过收集整理一些相关数据,为评价项目的投资效果做好准备。我们在进行财务评价之前,一定要对这些数据仔细审查,然后将投资人和前期市场调查分析人员的主观分析,和我们审查后的客观数据结合起来,考察一下这些数据是不是合理。根据我们筛选后的项目财务数据,初步估计一下投资这个项目能给我们带来的营业收入,项目营业收入的测算范围应该根据不同的项目以及所属的行业,体现出项目的差异性以及多元化,在进行销售收
摘 要:项目财务评价的过程,就是利用项目的基本财务报表,对相关数据进行计算和测量,利用财务评价指标得出该项目的财务评价结论,所以,财务评价的主要内容就包括分析财务报表数据、计算财务指标、进行不确定性分析以及得出财务评价结论等四个方面。项目的财务评价,是一个定量分析为主,定性分析为辅的评价过程。它通过一定的预测体系和方法,分析项目的成本费用状况、项目的收益状况等,结合这些数据的分析,对项目的财务状况
摘 要:任何国家都会不同程度的对自己国家的合作进行援助,虽然说农民专业供销社的基本原则是自助。但是国家政府都会希望通过援助农民专业供销社来发展国家农业,以此来实现自己的政策目标。不仅要发展社会上较强的经济结合体股份公司,更好大力发展较弱的经济结合体农民专业供销社,是两者有机结合。才能保证经济的不断发展和社会的稳定。  关键词:农村供销社 发展 组织职能  1、我国农民供销社的发展历程  二十世纪八