
来源 :机械工厂设计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dqylovezf1314
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第一章总则第一条机械电子工业(含机械、电子、兵器、船舶)勘察设计协会是机械电子工业勘察设计单位自愿组成的行业性的不以盈利为目的社会经济团体,在政府和勘察设计单位之间起桥梁和纽带作用。承担政府部门委托的部分勘察设计管理工作,协助政府部门搞好勘察设计管理,并向政府部门反映勘察设计单位的意见、愿望和要求。本协会是“中国勘察设计协会”的成员协会,也是机械电子工业行业协会联合会的成员单位、业务受机电部建设协调司指导。第二条协会的宗旨是为会员单位服务,遵照党和政府的路线、方针、政策,充分发挥广大勘察设计人员的积极性,研究机械电子工业勘察设计中 Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 The Institute of Survey and Design of Machinery and Electronics (Mechanics, Electronics, Weapons, Ships) Survey and Design Institute is a voluntary industrial and non-profit-making socio-economic organization formed by mechanical and electronic industry survey and design agencies. Bridges and bonds act as units. To undertake part of the investigation, design and management work entrusted by government agencies, assist the government departments in doing a good job of survey and design management, and reflect the opinions, wishes and requirements of the survey and design institutes to the government departments. The Association is a member association of the “China Survey and Design Association” and a member of the Federation of Machinery and Electronic Industry Associations. The business is guided by the Department of Coordination of the Ministry of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. The second purpose of the association is to serve the member units, follow the party’s and government’s line, principles and policies, give full scope to the enthusiasm of the survey and design personnel, and study the survey and design of the machinery and electronics industry.
为了中国文化旅游市场的健康稳定发展,本文基于对国内外文化产业监管的分析,对来自上海、浙江、江苏、四川、贵州、甘肃、湖北、湖南和河北的1 500多名调研对象进行了市场调
中国农业银行山东牟平县支行和该县喷灌服务公司相互配合,密切协作,在管好用活喷灌贴息贷款上,做了一些探索和尝试,他们的经验是: 一、因地制宜落实工程项目,联合考察确保信
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