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  As everyone knows,economic globalization is one of the important features of contemporary world economy,but is also an important trend in the development of world economy.The process of economic globalization has greatly accelerated the pace in recent years.Economic globalization is conducive to the rational allocation of production factors and resources in the world,and it’s conducive to capital and products in the global flow.It is also helpful for technology expansion in the world.Economic globalization is conducive to promoting the economic development of underdeveloped areas,which is the human development and progress and the inevitable result of the development of the world economy.After the reform and opening up,China’s national enterprises were born in this decade including state-owned enterprises and private enterprises.National enterprises have experienced a period of rapid development which have gained the success that attract worldwide attention.The development of Chinese economy depends on the core competitiveness of national enterprises.At present,the status of national enterprises in China rises especially under the influence of the economic globalization.Economic globalization is a significant trend in the current market competition.Chinese enterprises have also made great achievements.Globalization brings more challenges to our national enterprises than opportunities.
  1.The Introduction of Economic Globalization.The general trend of the world economy maintains an indication of recovery,but the overall has declined in recent years.Under such a situation,economic globalization,which is playing an indispensable role in world’s economy,makes all the countries in the world integrated with each other.Therefore,economic globalization refers to the free flow of essential productive factors,and it makes countries around the world depend on each other.
  2.The Introduction of National Enterprises.National enterprises are controlled by the citizens of a country and always subordinated to the interests of the whole enterprises in the country.National enterprises are different from private enterprises,which need to put more attention.From the perspective of ownership,national enterprises are individual’s holdings.National enterprises adopt unique resources to make the product and spread the sales in the global scope.National enterprises not only amplify the precious resources of ethnic appreciation,but also enhance the national spirit in the range of the world.People should recognize the role of opening to the outside world,especially in promoting Chinese national enterprises.   3.The Influence of Economic Globalization on the National Enterprises in China.Economic globalization makes China become a world factory.In other words,it is the world’s manufacturing plant and it is good to China’s export which could bring Chinese national enterprises a lot of foreign exchange and a large amount of funds for the construction of China’s economic base.Under the influence of economic globalization,it is also good to Chinese national enterprises in the global scope optimization allocation of resources.It could help drive economic growth through the way of expanding external demand.It’s conducive to the introduction of production so as to drive the economic growth.Finally,national enterprises can now bring in foreign investment independently and the introduction of capital and technology,which makes national enterprises develop better.
  4.The Development Strategy of the National Enterprises under the Background of Economic Globalization.There is a lack of innovation consciousness in national enterprises,which leads to the low work efficiency.When it comes to this problem,government should push the old business model as the transformation of innovative enterprises.Government should enact some advantageous policy to improve the national enterprise innovation awareness,which can strengthen the development of enterprises better.All national enterprises must invest more manpower and skills,and strive to achieve the technology and products of independent research and development.It includes introducing a new product,using a new technology and opening up new markets.Through doing these,Chinese national enterprises will implement a new form of enterprises.Moreover,national enterprises in China should carry on the innovation in management,and establish their own unique management model with the combination with its own enterprise’s characteristics.National enterprises staff should also realize the importance of innovation consciousness,and actively cooperate with the national enterprises and government.It is the truth that only through innovation can Chinese national enterprises improve the efficiency of production.
  5.Conclusion.Economic globalization is an inevitable trend.It is a good opportunity for national enterprises ,but it also brings a lot of challenges at the same time.There are some specific problems such as low efficiency in production,lacking of innovation consciousness,small size with little fund,incomplete national enterprises culture and low-quality staff.In order to get a better development in the fiercely competitive world market,there is still a lot to do.Chinese government,society,enterprises themselves and staff in national enterprises should make joint efforts to help develop China’s national enterprises.
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