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世界上哪一个国家,都没有中国这样多的大学生。据中国教育部2004年的数据,中国的高等教育在校生 (不包括研究生)已达到1750万,居世界第一。在1750万人中.有近四分之一(420万人)是接受“成人教育”的大学生。这420万已经进了高等学校的学生们——今天他们中一小部分是已经参加工作的“成人”,一大部分是高考落榜的高中生——经过两年或更长时间的脱产或不脱产的学习,基本可以获得一张国家认可的大学毕业文凭。但是,他们的证书上“成人教育”的章,却决定了他们在劳动力市场上只是“二等公民”,为录用单位所轻视。在同一个国家里,大学毕业生分为两种待遇,这多少有些“中国特色”。从一开始新中国有夜大、函授学院这类课程,这种“成人教育”就始终不能与普通高校的教育接轨。究其原因,一位研究成人教育的权威人士认为有两条:中国的高等教育制度不允许学生有那么自由的流动;中国的高等教育是精英化的教育。前者,是中国计划经济体制的思维惯性使然;后者,则可以追溯到中国数千年的文化传统。由国家来包养下来的社会精英——这是人们对中国现代“举人”——当今大学生的一种固有期冀,这种精英期冀的表现一方面是社会对“正规”高等教育的崇拜,另一方面是对“业余”高等教育的轻视与拒斥。这种轻视的结果,使得中国的成人教育始终无法再上台阶。既然总是在“二等”位置,就更让人索性弄出些“三等四等”的勾当来。更有甚者,成人教育在某些地方已经沦为官场腐败的一部分,成了有门路的人获得职位和晋升的终南捷径。这就是我们本组文章所揭示的中国成人教育的种种怪异。可以说,中国成人教育当下的问题,是中国旧有计划经济体制留下的一种后遗症,是处于社会转型期的中国所要面临的种种问题之一。解决这个问题的思路,是从旧有的思维框架中摆脱出来:我们所需要的高等教育,不是只有少数人才能享受的教育,而是每一个希望接受高等教育的中国公民都有权享受的教育,不论他是什么年龄、什么身份、有多少钱。有了这个前提,中国的成人教育怎样提高质量加强管理,怎样与正规的高等教育衔接并轨,才有了基本的起点。 No country in the world, there is no such as China’s college students. According to the 2004 data from the Ministry of Education of China, the number of students (excluding graduate students) in China’s higher education has reached 17.5 million, ranking first in the world. Among the 17.5 million people. Almost a quarter (4.2 million) are undergraduates who receive “adult education.” The 4.2 million students who have entered colleges and universities - a small part of them today are “adults” who have taken part in the work. The majority of them are high school students who have failed their college entrance exams - or two or more years later Full-time study, basically get a nationally recognized college diploma. However, the chapter on “adult education” in their certificates has determined that they are only “second-class citizens” in the labor market and are despised by the employing units. In the same country, college graduates are divided into two kinds of treatment, which are somewhat “Chinese characteristics.” Since the beginning of New China, there was such a course as night college and correspondence college. Such “adult education” can not always be integrated with the education of ordinary colleges and universities. The reason, a study of adult education pundits think there are two: China’s higher education system does not allow students to have such a free flow; China’s higher education is elite education. The former is the inertia of thinking in China’s planned economic system; the latter can be traced back to thousands of years of Chinese cultural tradition. The social elites brought by the state - this is an inherent expectation of people in modern China - “the present-day university students. On the one hand, the performance of this elite period is due to the society’s cult of” formal “higher education, On the other hand is the contempt and rejection of ”amateur“ higher education. As a result of this contempt, the adult education in China has always been unable to go to the next level. Since always in the ”second“ position, it is even more easy to make some ”third-class" activities. What is more, adult education has, in some places, become part of the officialdom of corruption and become the ultimate shortcut to getting jobs and promotion. This is the weirdness of adult education in China as revealed by our group. It can be said that the current problem of adult education in China is a legacy left by the old planned economy in China and one of the problems that China is facing during its social transition. The solution to this problem is to get rid of the old framework of thinking: the higher education we need is not the education that only a few people can enjoy, but the education that every Chinese citizen wishing to have higher education is entitled to , No matter what age he is, what his identity, how much money. With this premise, there is a basic starting point for how China’s adult education can improve its quality and strengthen its management, and how to merge with formal higher education.
患者男,52岁。因反复胸痛1年,再发4 h,于2005年11月8日入院。病史:去年冬天因劳累突发胸痛、咳嗽、咳白色泡沫痰,气短,头晕,以心绞痛住院l周痊愈出院。本次入院前4 h 在田间
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