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在庆祝党七十七周年生日的时候,我们向纪检监察战线的同志, 介绍一位优秀纪检监察干部,他就是河北省武邑县纪委常委、监察 局副局长武胜利。 武胜利同志的事迹催人泪下,精神感人至深。他在得知自己身患癌症之后,悄悄隐瞒了病情,依然坚持工作了4个多月。单位领导发觉后送他到医院手术时,他还极力恳求不要为他再浪费钱财,不要因他个人而影响了工作。他当领导干部20多年,坚持党性,廉洁自律,甘于清贫,从不搞权钱交易。在工作中,他秉公执纪执法,不徇私情,敢于碰硬,严格履行职责。在他的身上,闪烁着一个真正先锋战士的光芒,他用实实在在的行动实践了一个共产党员全心全意为人民服务、为党的事业奋斗终身的铿锵誓言。 武胜利同志对党、对人民、对事业高度负责、无限忠诚的高尚品质,勇于奉献、公而忘私的高尚情操,敢于、善于同腐败现象作斗争,生命不息、战斗不止的大无畏精神,值得我们每位共产党员学习。 While celebrating the party’s 77th birthday, we introduced an excellent discipline inspection and supervision cadre to the discipline inspection and supervision front. He is Wu Shengli, member of the Standing Commission of Discipline Inspection of Wuyi County and deputy director of the Supervision Bureau of Hebei Province. Comrade Wu Shengli’s deeds tear down, the spirit touched. He learned that he was suffering from cancer, quietly concealed the condition, still insisted on working for more than 4 months. When the unit leader found him sending him to the hospital for surgery, he urged him not to waste his money for him or to work for him personally. When he led cadres for more than 20 years, he adhered to party spirit, was honest and self-disciplined, was willing to help the poor and never dealt with the rights and money. In his work, he holds the law enforcement discipline, not ignoring personal circumstances, dare to touch tough, strictly perform their duties. On his body, there shone a ray of true pioneer warrior who practiced in a down-to-earth manner a communal vow who wholeheartedly served the people and worked for the cause of the party for a lifetime. Comrade Wu Shengli is courageous and diligent in fighting the corruption with a high sense of dedication to the party, to the people, to his cause, to his noble cause of infinite loyalty, to his courage in giving his own contribution to the public, It is worth learning from every communist member.
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