人与人之间的相识,如果要用“邂逅”、“巧合”、“缘分”等词汇来形容,我比较偏爱“缘分”这个词。因为它能使我真实地感受人与人之间无隙相处的美好,更深一层地感受到一种默契、一种必然和一种力量。在与长篇小说《断裂带》作者张建平的接触中,我的感觉就是如此。 我是唐山人。1976年7月28日凌晨3时42分,我那美丽的家乡——唐山,被命运之神扼住了咽喉。瞬间,这座人口稠密、经济发达的华北工业城市遭到了历史上罕见地震灾害的袭击——震中烈度高达11度的7.8级地震迅速席卷波及了十余个省、市、自治区,100多万人口的唐山市瞬间夷为平地,成为一片废墟。这
The acquaintance between people, if you want to use “encounter”, “coincidence”, “fate” and other words to describe, I prefer the “fate” the word. Because it enables me to truly feel the beauty and depth of human life without any gap, I feel a tacit understanding, a necessity and a force. In my contact with Zhang Jianping, the author of the novel The Fracture Zone, my feeling is that. I am Tangshan people. At 3:42 on July 28, 1976, my beautiful hometown, Tangshan, was strangled by the god of destiny. In an instant, this densely populated and economically developed industrial city in North China was hit by a rare earthquake in history. The 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck a swiftly wave of magnitude over 11 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions with more than 1 million people Tangshan suddenly razed to the ground, become a ruin. This