Thermal behaviors, combustion mechanisms, evolved gasses, and ash analysis of spent potlining for a

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baiseshiren
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An unavoidable but reusable waste so as to enhance a more circular waste utilization has been spent potlining (SPL) generated by the aluminum industry. The combustion mecha-nisms, evolved gasses, and ash properties of SPL were characterized dynamically in response to the elevated temperature and heating rates. Differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) re-sults indicated an exothermic reaction behavior probably able to meet the energy needs of various industrial applications. The reaction mechanisms for the SPL combustion were best described using the 1.5-, 3- and 2.5-order reaction models. Fluoride volatilization rate of the flue gas was estimated at 2.24%. The SPL combustion emitted CO2, HNCO, NO, and NO2 but SOx. The joint optimization of remaining mass, derivative thermogravimetry, and derivative DSC was achieved with the optimal temperature and heating rate combination of 783.5 ℃, and 5 ℃/min, respectively. Interaction between temperature and heating rate exerted the strongest and weakest impact on DSC and remaining mass, respectively. The fluorine mainly as the formation of substantial NaF and CaF2 in the residual ash. Besides, the composition and effect of environment of residual solid were evaluated. The ash slag-ging tendency and its mineral deposition mechanisms were elucidated in terms of turning SPL waste into a benign input to a circular waste utilization.
Elevated temperature could influence the sex differentiation by altering the expression of sex-related genes in fish. However, the underlying mechanisms by which the gene expres-sion is altered remain poorly understood. Here, we aimed to explore the role
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A rapid reaction occurs near the exhaust nozzle when vehicle emissions contact the air. Twenty diesel vehicles were studied using a new multipoint sampling system that is suit-able for studying the exhaust plume near the exhaust nozzle. The variation char
1 Abaqus中的求解断裂失效应注意什么?对于断裂问题的求解,一般有2种方法:一是基于经典断裂力学,二是基于损伤力学。对于损伤力学模型,若单元失效,则刚度不断减小,在一定的条件下可以造成完全失效,最后形成断裂带。采用Abaqus对裂纹扩展进行仿真,可以使用的技术有debond、cohesive等。
Cr(VI) is a common heavy metal ion, which will seriously harm human body and environ-ment. Therefore, the removal of Cr(VI) has become an attractive topic. In this work, cinder was used as a raw material to synthesize a nanoneedle material: γ-(AlOOH@FeOOH