
来源 :学校管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:endlessing
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2006年秋学期始,农村实行9年义务免费教育,只收书本费,不收学杂费。如学生家庭经济困难,可申请再免收书本费、并补助住宿生生活费。为实行超前防范开展了警示教育。2006年8月5日,由镇纪委牵头,组织镇教育、人大、各中小学校长、部分学生家长代表参加会议,下发并学习了“吴滩镇 At the beginning of the fall semester of 2006, rural areas have implemented nine-year compulsory free education. They only charge for books and do not pay tuition and fees. If the student’s family is in financial difficulties, he or she may apply for a free book fee and subsidize the living expenses of the student’s residence. We launched warning education for the implementation of advance prevention. On August 5, 2006, led by the Town Commission for Discipline Inspection, town education, people’s congresses, primary and secondary school principals, and parents’ representatives of some students were organized to attend the meeting, and Wutan Township was issued and studied.
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My school record may,affect my feelings. Sometimes I cannot get a good school record.Then I’ll be very much afraid to see my teachers and my parents. It’s gre
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This is Wang Ling,my former classmate.We had been deskmates for three years before she went to Nanjing with her parents last year. Wang Ling is a friendly and