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众 所皆知,情报己成为一个国家、地区、集团、企业 乃至个人生存与发展的最重要战略资源。近数年 来,西方情报界为最大限度地满足全球对这一资源的需求,在大量开发各类信息资源的同时,开掘出专门为竞争服务的情报资源,即“竞争情报”。 从经济学已研究的成果看,市场竞争的总体结构由五大要素组成,新增企业的威胁;原有企业的竞争状况,代替品的威胁;卖方的谈判力;买方的谈判力。第一与第二要素是指搜集竞争对手的生产能力、技术水平、经营目标、市场占有率、价格动态、市场控制能力、投入产出效益、原材料供应、能耗状况等,属知已知彼中的“知彼”情报。第三要素是指对竞争对手进行产品开发的不断跟踪。第四、第五要素则强调“知已”,原材料供应——卖主,产品销售——买主,这些都是竞争者自己所处的环境与条件,需心中有数。由此可见,经济学中的市场竞争结构五大要素,也是竞争情报所必须的五个基本要素。 As we all know, intelligence has become the most important strategic resource for the survival and development of a country, region, group, enterprise and even individual. In recent years, the Western intelligence community has sought to satisfy the global demand for this resource to the greatest extent possible. While developing a large number of various information resources, it has also dug out intelligence resources that specialize in competition, namely “competitive intelligence.” Judging from the research results of economics, the overall structure of market competition consists of five major elements: the threat of new companies, the competition of existing companies, the threat of substitutes, the bargaining power of sellers, and the negotiating power of buyers. The first and second elements refer to the collection of competitor’s production capacity, technical level, business objectives, market share, price dynamics, market control ability, input and output efficiency, raw material supply, energy consumption, etc. The “Knowledge” intelligence. The third element is the continuous tracking of product development by competitors. The fourth and fifth elements emphasize “knowing”, raw material supply – sellers, product sales – buyers, these are the competitors’ own environment and conditions, and they need to have a good idea. This shows that the five major elements of market competition structure in economics are also the five basic elements necessary for competitive intelligence.
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介绍了苏钢高炉喷煤概况和新技术新工艺的应用,以及喷煤后的高炉操作实践。 The application of coal injection technology and new technology and new technology of blas
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怎样防治水泥地面返潮?【问】我前几年新建一幢三间房,已住三年之久,水泥地面返潮很严重,希望贵部能给予排忧解难,将处理方法告诉我,本人感恩不尽,谢谢。 (安微省李昭祥)【