积极探索建帐建制模式 强化个体私营税收征管

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按照国家税务总局和河南省地税局关于对个体私营经济税收强化查帐征收的实施意见和方案,1996年10月,我局确定灵宝市地税局为我市私营、个体建帐试点单位.坚持“积极稳妥,重点突破、区别对待、循序渐进”的原则,采取“统筹规划,典型示范、抓点带面,稳妥推进”的方法,理清思路,制定措施,分步实施,使个体私营的建帐工作取得了一些成效,在实现个体私营经济税收征管的法制化、规范化、现代化方面迈出了坚实的一步.一、领导重视,建立组织.为了切实把个体私营经济建帐工作落到实处,三门峡市地税局党组成员一班人非常重视,召开局党组会议、局务会议进行专题研究,专门部署,并将其列为重点工作提到重要议事日程.成立了由党组书记、局长柴文政同志为组长,副局长霍涛、李随东同志为副组长,征管、税政、稽 In accordance with the implementation opinions and proposals of the State Administration of Taxation and the Henan Provincial Local Taxation Bureau on the tax collection and collection improvement of the individual and private economy, in October 1996, the MOF determined that the Local Taxation Bureau of Lingbao City was a pilot unit for the construction of private and individual accounts in our city. Adopt the principle of “overall planning, typical demonstration, grasping the point with a surface and steadily advancing”, clarify the thinking, formulate measures and implement step by step so that the construction of individual private-owned enterprises The work of the account has made some achievements and taken a solid step towards the legalization, standardization and modernization of the tax collection and administration of the individual and private sectors of the economy. First, leaders attach importance to the establishment of an organization In order to effectively carry out the construction of an individual and private economy, Sanmenxia Municipal Inland Revenue Department party members of a group of people attach great importance to the convening of Party Bureau meeting, Bureau meeting for special research, special deployment, and listed as a key work referred to the important agenda. Set up by the party secretary, director Chai Wenzheng As leader, deputy director Huo Tao, Comrade Li Sundong as deputy leader, collection management, tax administration, JI
3月5日,是个人所得税税法宣传日,这天,全省地税系统以各种形式进行了声势浩大的税法宣传活动. March 5, is the personal income tax law day, on that day, the province’
6月25日下午,在红旗渠青年洞举行了河南省地税局精神文明建设教育基地挂牌仪式。会议期间,省地税局领导同志参观了安阳市地税局基层办税服务厅。 On the afternoon of June 25
3月31日,河南省国税局、地税局联合召开了由有关新闻单位参加的“税收宣传月”新闻发布会.今年税收宣传月的主题是“税收与文明”,两局将围绕这一主题展开一系列宣传活动. O
药物的常规剂型,不论口服或注射,每天需给药数次,不仅使用不便,而且血液中的药物浓度(也称血药浓度)起伏很大,导致“峰谷”现象。当药物浓度处于高峰时,超过了 The convent