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加速工业的发展和实现国家社会主义工业化,除了依靠新建成百成千重要的企业外,还必须依靠尽量发挥现有工业企业的作用。我国现有的国营工业,主要是旧中国遗留下来的,它的基础虽然十分薄弱,伹却较为集中,影响国民生计很大。这些企业变为全民所有的国营企业以后,就成为国家的经济命脉。它是目前发展生产、繁荣经济的物质基础,是对非社会主义经济进行社会主义改造的领导力量,也是支持新建设的重要力量。几年来,现有国营企业经过民主改革、生产改革和增产节约运动,特别是去年以来,开始实行计划管理的结果,广大的工人和工程技术人员发扬了积极性和创造性,学习了苏联先进经验,大大地突破了旧时的生产定额标准,提高了生产,也改变了企业的面貌。以一九五三年和一九四九年作比校,电力设备利用率从百分之二十六提高到百分之五十三,煤矿总回采率从百分之三十提高到百分之七十六,机器工业中各种机床的生产能力也普遍提高很多。我国过去不能制造的许多重要产品,如各种苏联式工作母机、矿山机器、二万千伏安的大型变压器、一千公尺 Accelerating the development of the industry and realizing the industrialization of the country’s socialism must, in addition to relying on the building of hundreds of new and important enterprises, rely on the full play of existing industrial enterprises. The existing state-owned industry in China is mainly left behind by old China. Although its foundation is very weak, it is relatively concentrated and affects the livelihood of the people. After these enterprises became state-owned enterprises owned by the people, they became the lifeblood of the country’s economy. It is the material basis for the current development of production and prosperity, the leading force for the socialist transformation of non-socialist economies, and an important force for supporting the new construction. Over the past few years, the existing state-owned enterprises have undergone democratic reforms, production reforms, and production-creation-and-saving campaigns. Especially since last year, the results of program management began to be implemented. The majority of workers and engineering and technical personnel have demonstrated enthusiasm and creativity, and they have learned advanced experience of the Soviet Union. It broke through the old production quota standards, improved production, and changed the face of the company. In 1953 and 1949, the utilization ratio of power equipment increased from 26% to 53%, and the total coal mining recovery rate increased from 30% to 100%. On the other hand, the production capacity of various machine tools in the machine industry has also generally increased a lot. Many important products that our country could not manufacture in the past, such as various Soviet-style working machines, mining machines, large-scale transformers of 20,000 kVA, one thousand meters
江西省人民政府转江西铜基地总指挥部、江西铜业公司并参加建设的工程技术人员、工人和干部同志们: 江西贵溪冶炼厂建成投产,是江西铜基地建设取得的重大成果,也是我国经济