
来源 :中国运动医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BlueWindow
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目的:了解甘肃省东乡族7~18岁青少年1985~2008年的体质状况及其变化,为指导该民族地区学校的文化卫生及体育教育工作提供参考。方法:选取1985年、1991年、1995年、2000年、2005年、2008年甘肃省东乡族7~18岁学生体质调查测试的16项原始指标,从身体形态、生理机能、身体素质三个方面进行六个时段的总体趋势分析和显著性t检验。结果:1985~2008年,东乡族男女学生的体重、身高及胸围均有程度不一的增长,其中男生体重增长明显,女生胸围增长突出,三项指标1995~2000年变化幅度较大;1985~2008年来东乡族男生胸廓发育不良未有效改善,女生则在青春期后年龄段有所改善。东乡族男女学生的青春发育期提前1年左右;肺活量在2000年后呈下降趋势;东乡族学生身体素质表现出自然增长的阶段性,具有一定的年龄特征和性别差异,1985~2008年除个别年龄段的力量素质、速度素质有所提高外,各个年龄段上肢力量、柔韧及耐力素质总体表现下降趋势,尤以青春期后各年龄段的速度力量、柔韧及耐力素质下降为明显。结论:1985~2008年,甘肃省东乡族各年龄段学生的形态学指标有所提高,其增长幅度在1995~2005年10年间较大,东乡族学生胸廓发育水平、肺功能水平以及多项身体素质均出现停滞甚至下降趋势,尤以青春期后年龄段下降最为突出。 Objective: To understand the constitutional status and changes of Dongxiang nationality children aged 7-18 years from 1985 to 2008 in Gansu Province, and to provide reference for the cultural, health and physical education of schools in ethnic minority areas in Gansu Province. Methods: Sixteen original indexes of physical fitness test of 7 ~ 18 years old students of Dongxiang ethnic group in 1985, 1991, 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2008 in Gansu Province were selected from three aspects: physical form, physiological function and physical quality Overall trend analysis and significance t-test for six periods were performed. Results: From 1985 to 2008, the male and female students of Dongxiang ethnic group had different degrees of growth in body weight, height and chest circumference. Among them, the male body weight increased significantly and the female bust increased remarkably. The three indicators varied greatly from 1995 to 2000; In 2008, Dongxiang boys had no improvement in their thoracic dysplasia, while girls in the post-puberty age group improved. The Dongxiang nationality male and female students had a puberty period of about 1 year ahead of schedule. The vital capacity of the Dongxiang students showed a decreasing trend after 2000. The Dongxiang students’ physical fitness showed a stage of natural growth with some age characteristics and gender differences. Strength, quality and quality of the age group improved. The strength, flexibility and endurance quality of the upper limbs in all age groups tended to decrease. Especially, the speed strength, flexibility and endurance quality of all age groups decreased significantly after adolescence. Conclusion: From 1985 to 2008, the morphological indexes of students of all ages in Dongxiang ethnic group in Gansu Province increased. The growth rate of them was large in 10 years from 1995 to 2005. The levels of thoracic development, pulmonary function, The quality of the stagnation or even downward trend, especially in adolescent age decline the most prominent.
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