执政为民 与时俱进 推动长顺经济社会超常规发展

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党的十六大明确指出:“发展是我们党执政兴国的第一要务”。长顺县作为民族贫困地区,经济社会发展相对滞后,如何加快发展,全面建设小康社会,实现富民兴县的宏伟目标,是工作第一要务。为推动长顺经济社会实现超常规、跨越式发展,必须要着力解决好以下几个方面的问题。一、始终坚持与时俱进的创新着力点首先,要抓好观念创新。“解放思想,实事求是”是邓小平理论的精髓,也是我们党对各级领导干部的一个基本要求,但思想该如何解放,这对大部分人而言仍是一个模糊的概念。改革开放已20多年,各地区正在发生着日新月异的变化,但我县仍未能摘掉“贫困”的帽子,制约我县经济社会发展的一个根本因素就是我们干部群众发展的意识不强,发展的思路不宽,发展的举措不力。创新发展观念,一是要解决好唯上、唯书多、唯实不足的问题。做到不唯上、不唯 The 16th National Congress of the CPC made it clear that “development is the top priority for our party in governing and rejuvenating the country.” Changshun County, as a national poverty-stricken region, lags behind its economic and social development. How to speed up development, build a moderately prosperous society in all respects and realize the grand goal of enriching the people in Xingxian County are the top priorities of the work. In order to promote Changshun’s economy and society to achieve extraordinary and leapfrog development, we must make efforts to solve the following problems. First, always adhere to the innovative efforts to keep pace with the times First of all, we must do a good job of concept innovation. “Emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts ” is the essence of Deng Xiaoping Theory and is also our party’s basic requirement for leading cadres at all levels. However, how to liberate our thinking is still a vague concept for most people. Since the reform and opening up for more than 20 years, rapid changes have taken place in various regions, but our county has yet to remove the hat of “poverty,” and one of the fundamental factors that restrict the economic and social development of our county is our weak awareness of the development of cadres and the masses , The idea of ​​development is not wide, and the measures for development are not strong. The concept of innovation and development, one is to solve the only on the only book, only realistic problem. Not only on, not only
CONSONANTS(PULMO目fC) 旧11舀bia】 L舀biod已ntal Dental A】veolar Postalveot盯 R已tr幻ne盆 Palnta】 Ve】盯 Uvul肚 Pharyngeal G挂以吸al PIO‘i,e Pb td t砚 CJ kg qG
一、镍的测定(J 二肟比色法)(一)方法要点:基于镍与丁二肟在碱性介质中,在有氧化剂(过硫酸铵)存在时,形成红色络合物,借此进行比色测定。其中铁、铝用酒石酸钾钠进行掩蔽。(
今夏,位于阿拉斯加Anckorage的发射机,由Los Alamos国家实验室研究人员控制,将确定大气圈上部的电离层是否受到地震的干扰。从理论上推测,伴随地震发生的低沉隆隆声能够扰动
铀矿床地质阿利盖特河地区的地层主要由纳纳比和尼伯沃两组杂岩构成,其周围是下元古代变质岩层,并过渡到未变质的沉积层。Rb-Sr 年龄测定表明,这两层杂岩的地质史是不相同的
摘 要:职业学校的班级管理是学校稳定的重要因素,班级管理不仅是抓学习,还有人文、卫生、纪律、风气等很多方面。本文结合班主任工作的实践,尝试着对班级形象管理提出若干建议。  关键词:形象 管理 措施    一个班级的形象,可以说是班集体给别人的客观感受。班风正,班里的学生就会积极向上,认真学习;班风不正,班级的乱子就会由小到大,积少成多;这就是环境对人的影响作用。接手一个新班级,怎样把这个陌生的群体