The exact reason why TPN causes cholestasis in neonates remains unclear. The authors performed a retrospective analysis of neonatal cases receiving TPN in order to find out the reasons from clinical and nutritional aspects. A total of 172 newborns (92 infants and 80 infants) undergoing TPN therapy for at least 1 week were enrolled. Thirty-two neonates with TPN more than 7 weeks were selected and divided into groups for observation. 74 patients had at least one operation. The time to receive TPN is at least 1 week, up to 12 weeks. The patients underwent peripheral venous TPN supplemented with 12.5% glucose and 2.5% crystalline amino acids. Patients with a duration of more than 3 to 4 weeks switched to central venous TPN supplemented with 25% glucose and 3.5% crystalline amino acids. Fat emulsions (Liposyn and Intralipid) are used to provide 40% of the calories per day. Determination of children