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近年来在官场上,除用金钱贿赂外,又出现变了招的贿赂,令人防不胜防。它已成了一道“另类”风景,严重损害了干部在人民群众心目中的形象,必须引起各个方面的高度重视。上级贿赂下级。随着干部任免制度的日益健全,人民代表大会的权力得到了加强,于是,那些想当市长、县长、乡长,甚至村委会主任的人,在召开人代会、村民大会或村民代表会时,便向有选举权的人大代表、选民行贿。“贿选”是上级贿赂下级的最典型的形式之一。官员贿赂学者。一些政府官员为了包装自己,附庸风雅,煞有介事地弄一顶“博士帽”戴在头上。但这顶博士帽必须由高等学府的学者认可。对此,官员们也自有办法,他们以政府的名义,拨出可观的资金,赞助高等院系办学,这些学府的学者自然 In the officialdom in recent years, in addition to using money to bribe, there has been a change in recruiting bribery, it is hard to prevent. It has become an “alternative” landscape that has seriously damaged the image of the cadres in the eyes of the people and must arouse great attention from all quarters. Bribe lower level. With the continuous improvement of the appointment and dismissal of cadres, the power of the People’s Congress has been strengthened. Therefore, those who want to become mayors, county magistrates, mayors, and even villagers ’committees, convene people’s congresses, villagers’ assemblies or villagers When the deputies are represented, they give bribes to the people’s deputies and voters who have the right to vote. “Bribery” is one of the most typical forms of inferior bribery. Officials bribe academics. Some government officials, in order to wrap themselves, arty, make a fuss about getting a “Dr. Hat” worn on his head. But this top hat must be recognized by academics at institutions of higher learning. In this regard, officials also have their own means, in the name of the government, they have allocated considerable funds to sponsor higher education institutions, scholars of these institutions naturally
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1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料 选取门诊 10 1例急、慢性鼻炎 ,急、慢性鼻窦炎患者。男 5 6例 ,女 45例 ,年龄 4~ 74岁 ,多数为成年人 ;病程 2d~ 2 0a。其中急性鼻炎 4例 ,慢性鼻
介绍应用于我厂的M5261RA型单轴燃气轮机的现场调试、点火试验与试车过程。 This article introduces the on-site commissioning, ignition test and commissioning process of th