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跟这批工人接触相处这么久,跟他们已结下深厚感情。让自己觉得身上的责任沉甸甸的。所以,我愿意践行他们进厂时我的承诺,不忍心让他们没有饭吃。在武汉市江汉区兴业路9号,有一家规模很小的福利企业——武汉市东方红食品有限公司。这家食品厂仅有的10名员工,都是智残工人。48岁的女老板易勤像妈妈一样,带着这批工人已经坚守了9年,熟悉她的人都亲切地喊她“犟妈”。为了维持这家厂子,易勤先后卖掉、抵押两套房子,9年累计亏损80多万 With these workers get along with so long, with them have a deep feeling. Make yourself feel heavy responsibilities. Therefore, I am willing to put them into practice when I entered my factory, do not have the heart to let them have no food to eat. On the 9th, Xingye Road, Jianghan District, Wuhan City, there is a small welfare enterprise - Wuhan Dongfanghong Food Co., Ltd. The only 10 employees at this food factory are mentally handicapped workers. 48-year-old female boss Easy to work like a mother, with these workers have been sticking for nine years, people who are familiar with her cordially shouted her “mother”. In order to maintain this factory, Yi Qin sold and pledged two houses in succession, losing more than 800,000 in 9 years
【正】 去年,在查处某市农业银行马甸乡营业所主办会计贾××,利用工作之便挪用国库资金40万元一案过程中,发现在基层营业所、信用社个人贷款超期不还现象相当普遍。
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高中报到第一天,我头一次开始独立生活。是夜,雷雨大作,到了熄灯时间,双人间宿舍的另一位室友马小珀,才穿着舞会的碧色纱裙,浑身湿漉漉的敲窗让我帮忙把她放进来,以此躲避宿管阿姨的例行查寝。  第二天一早,我去阳台上展读英语,读兴正浓,却被马小珀打断。她的扮相非常奇特,紧身小背心外套一件短袖T恤,短罩裙,穿两层袜子,踩着一双高跟凉鞋,仿佛是日本漫画里才有的美少女。  我讶异道:“你打算这样去班上亮相?”
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