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公寓距闹市区不远,用地只有15.25×41.94米,被夹在原有的楼房之间,两端临街。这里地价昂贵,但设计者仍为住户布置了绿化庭院和通长的阳台,令人感到开展舒适。公寓布置得很紧凑,每层有八套住宅,每套住宅占一长条面积,依次布置起居室、卧室、浴室和厨房。起居室和卧室之间仅用壁炉分隔,在空间上是连通的,如同一间居室,因此称单居室公寓(Studio apartments)。公寓是错层式的,后半部比前半部抬高了一层半,增加了庭院和庭院四周迴廊的明快感,也有利于室内的自然通风和采光。立面设计注意与相邻建筑物的风格相协调。除层数相近外,还采用了传统形式的简洁的阳台栏杆,外墙用红木贴面装修,庭院中的步行路用红砖铺设,并 The apartment is located not far from the downtown area. The land is only 15.25×41.94 meters. It is sandwiched between the original buildings with both sides facing the street. The land price is expensive here, but the designer still provides the residents with a green courtyard and a long balcony, which makes people feel comfortable. The apartments are very compact and there are eight apartments on each floor, each one occupying a long area, which in turn houses the living room, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. The living room and bedroom are separated by a fireplace and are spatially connected, such as the same room, so they are called Studio apartments. The apartment is split-level, with the rear half elevated by one and a half layers from the front half, which increases the openness of the cloister around the courtyard and the courtyard, and is also conducive to natural ventilation and lighting in the room. The design of the facade is coordinated with the style of the adjacent building. In addition to the similar number of layers, the traditional form of simple balcony railings was used, the exterior walls were finished with red wood veneers, and the pedestrian road in the courtyard was paved with red bricks.
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