统筹规划 突出重点 切实加强和改进政府立法工作

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近年来,省政府坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,全面贯彻党和国家确定的方针、政策及各项重大决策,统筹规划,突出重点,以服务经济建设中心为基本任务,以维护人民群众的根本利益为出发点,以规范和制约行政权力为重点,以扩大人民群众参与度为重要途径,切实加强和改进政府立法工作,努力提高立法质量。通过向省人大及其常委会提出审议相关地方性法规草案和依法制定政府规章等方式,充分发挥法律规范对经济与社会事业的引导、规范和保障作用,为全省推动改革、促进发展、维护社会稳定提供了法律保障。同时,我们也清醒地认识到,当前政府立法工作也存在一定的问题,制约和影响立法工作的开展, In recent years, the provincial government has adhered to Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents as the guide, comprehensively implemented the guidelines and policies and major decisions made by the party and the state, made overall plans and focused on serving the economic construction center as its basic task , Taking the maintenance of the fundamental interests of the people as the starting point, focusing on regulating and restricting the administrative power, and taking the people’s participation as an important way to effectively strengthen and improve the government’s legislative work and strive to improve the quality of legislation. Through the provincial People’s Congress and its Standing Committee to consider the draft of the relevant local laws and regulations and the formulation of government regulations and other methods, give full play to the legal norms of economic and social undertakings guide, regulate and protect the role of promoting the reform for the province to promote development and maintenance Social stability provides legal protection. At the same time, we are also clearly aware that there are still some problems in the current government legislative work, which restrict and influence the implementation of the legislative work,
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