Inspiring Questions from the Sea of Examinations——题海拾贝

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1 Al, Bee, Cecil, andDihave $16, $24,$32, $48, respectively. Their father proposedthat Al and Bee share their wealth equally, and thenBee and Cecil to do likewise, and then Cecil and Di.Their mother’s plan is the same except that Di andCecil begin by sharing equally, then Cecil and Bee,and then Bee and A1. determine the number of chil-dren who end up with more money under theirfather’s plan than under their mother’s plan.Al、Bee、Cecil 和 Di 分别有16,24,32和48美元.爸爸建议 Al 和 Bee 均分财富,然后 Bee 再和 Cecil 1 Al, Bee, Cecil, and Dihave $16, $24, $32, $48, respectively. They father proposedthat Al and Bee share their wealth equally, and thenBee and Cecil to do likewise, and then Cecil and Di.Their mother’s plan Is the same except that Di andCecil begin by sharing equally, then Cecil and Bee,and then Bee and A1. determine the number of chil-dren who end up with more money under theirfather’s plan than under their mother’s plan.Al,Bee,Cecil There are 16,24,32, and 48 dollars for Di and Da. Dad suggests that Al and Bee share the wealth, then Bee and Cecil
在解析几何习题的求解中,消元是常用的手段,但是我们在消元后却时常会为不知不觉间“失控”的范围而苦恼,不仅学生如此,许多教师也时常会“百思不解”.例1 在 x 轴上找一点
本刊自1985年增加英文提要以来,译文水平在不断提高,但仍存在不少问题和不足,现发表学报编委会英文审校组梁建豪同志的文章,以期对提高大家的英文提要的写作水平有所助益. S
阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.习.互们羹宽.互狈槽竺汹IAn.刊 办好杂志。必
In this paper, a precise transfer matrix method is presented to calculate the structural and acoustic responses of the conical shell. The governing equations of
阜阳市局 £4a 局长——_MINtkMMtgj’#lnH$B——q.M——D收束志不他只邀狲位J则【科校为先导推动地租工作.B为广为戳民U用凶盼引眯B.习.互们羹宽.互狈槽竺汹IAn.刊 办好杂志。必