
来源 :地震研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hellomfc
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利用中国现行公式测算的面波震级是个争论已久的问题。本文提出了一些新的看法 ,它在 90°零点严重失控 ,致使震级水平偏高 ,与国际上没有可比性。在地震月报和年报中长期地、大量地、不规范地使用单一水平向记录测报Ms ,这不仅不符合公式定义 ,是一种概念性的失误 ,而且也降低了公式的理论测值。利用中国一类台站实际观测资料 ,并且采用与其他文献不同的方法 ,分三段震中距建立起三个新的计算公式 ,其震级水平与IASPEI标度一致 ,并在均匀程度上有所改善 ,从而能够彻底消除中国面波震级与国际主要地震机构所测面波震级的不协调性 The use of the current Chinese formula to estimate the magnitude of surface waves is a long-debated issue. This paper presents some new ideas. It is severely out of control at 90 ° zero, resulting in a high level of magnitude and incomparable with the rest of the world. In the monthly and annual reports of the earthquake, the use of a single horizontal record to measure Ms in large quantities and irregularly, which is not only inconsistent with the formula definition, is a conceptual mistake, but also reduces the theoretical value of the formula. Using the observed data of a type of station in China, and using different methods from other documents, three new formulas were established for the epicentral distances in three sections. The magnitude of the magnitude is consistent with the IASPEI scale and has been improved to an even extent , So as to completely eliminate the incompatibility between the magnitude of Chinese surface wave and the magnitude of surface wave measured by major international seismological organizations
20 0 2年 5月 2 1日至 5月 2 4日 ,中石化股份公司古潜山勘探技术交流会在大连举行 ,这是中国石油界召开的首次古潜山勘探技术交流会。胡见义、刘光鼎院士及阎敦实、高瑞琪、
Partition coefficient difference of benzocarba-zole isomers between oil, water and mineral phase makes them a useful indicator to quantify petroleum migration d
由中科院南海海洋所、武汉岩土力学研究所和厦门大学海洋三所组成的南沙综合科学考察队共有科技人员 77人。武汉岩土力学所汪稔研究员的博士生孟庆山、张家铭等 7人参加。科
By analyzing daily continuous data of Chinese Global Positioning System (GPS) fiducial network with 25 sites from 1999 to 2001, seasonal altitude variations wi