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近年来,由于国家城市建设,社区收入渠道萎缩,与此同时,随着事权进一步的下放,社区承担着更多的经济发展和社会事业建设等政府职能,导致社区收支不平衡的现象日趋严重。本文通过分析北塘区社区财力现状,查找出目前存在的问题,并提出具体的对策建议。 In recent years, with the construction of national cities and shrinking of community income channels, at the same time, with the decentralization of power, the community undertakes more government functions such as economic development and social undertaking, leading to an increasingly serious imbalance in the community income and expenditure . This article analyzes Beitang District community financial status, find out the existing problems, and put forward specific countermeasures and suggestions.
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