Santa Claus:The True Story

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  I remember my first Christmas party with Grand-ma.I was just a kid.I remember tearing across townon my bike to visit her on the day my big sisterdropped the bomb:"There is no Sania Claus."shejeered.
(A)    教育部组织创编了《第一套全国中小学校园集体舞》,并决定自2007年9月1日起在全国中小学校全面推广。对此,很多师生和社会人士就校园集体舞的推广展开了议论,有的人支持,也有的人反对。假如你是李华,请你向一家英文报社写一封信,表达自己对此事的看法,信的内容包括:  1. 表示赞成。  2. 陈述你的理由。  3. 如何消除反对观点。  注意:  1. 信的开头和结尾部分已经给出,但不计入
一、课文导读  Ⅰ、Read the text,and finish the following cloze.  My name is Bassanio.The story I am telling took place ten years ago.I fell in love with a clever and beautiful girl whose name is______.Asking
一、课文导读  Ⅰ、Read the text,and finish the following cloze.  Jules Verne was born in 1828.To________a living,he had to write and sell stories.He studied____,science and many other subjects.His famousnovel
一、课文导读  Ⅰ、Read the text,and finish the following cloze.  The water molecule is_____up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.The water molecule is polar-it has a_____negative end and a slightly pos
一、课文导读  Ⅰ、Read the text,and finish the following cloze.  _________history,great thinkers have used their creativity and imagination to change the world.How do they_________ _________ _________ideas fo
Ⅰ.多项选择  从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。  1.You can go and ask him yourself if you like,but I don't think it will make a________--he won't listen to anyone.  A.contribution B.difference  C.sense D.decisi
Ⅰ、完成句子  阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子。  1、The little boy with__________(缺两颗门牙)ran into the house.(miss)  2.If we had taken the other road,we might________(早点到).(arrive)
一、课文导读  Ⅰ、Read the text,and finish the following cloze.  A man was found______in a grave with a long______.He was believed to______ ______atthe age of 40.He laid on his left side______north-wards.____
(A)    假如你是李明,你班同学获悉省政府提出“高中学生在校集中学习时间不得超过八小时”的要求后,对如何支配由此增加的校外时间展开了讨论。请你根据下列表格所示内容,用英文写一封电子邮件,向你的英国朋友John介绍相关情况。    词数:120左右。  学生习作:  Dear John,   I am writing to tell you about the discussion which
Ⅰ.多项选择  从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。  1.My college friends and I write to each other_________,even when there' s not much to say. and then and by  C.step by step D.more or less