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京都名医赵炳南,刚逝去没有几年。这位中医皮外科专家,主持北京市中医医院皮外科多年,像红斑狼疮、瘩背、“转腰龙”、“对口疮”等重症,都是赵先生擅治的;据文载:赵炳南还给毛主席、宋庆龄等国家领导人治疗过牛皮癣和其他皮肤病,疗效甚佳。我家与赵炳南的医缘,长达20多年,他参加中医医院工作后,来往才少了。他与先父年龄相近,因看病而成莫逆之交;从我记事起,就很熟悉并常见这位赵伯伯。那是三十年代中期,先父因足癣急性感染,发作甚重,双腿起红线,上 Zhao Bingnan famous doctor in Kyoto, just lost a few years. The Chinese medicine dermatology specialist, chaired the Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine dermatology for many years, such as lupus, boil back, “swallowing the dragon ”, “on the mouth sores ” and other serious, are Mr. Zhao good governance; Contains: Zhao Bingnan returned to Chairman Mao, Soong Ching Ling and other state leaders treated psoriasis and other skin diseases, the effect is very good. My family and Zhao Bingnan’s medical margin, up to 20 years, he joined the Chinese medicine hospital, only a few contacts. He and his ancestors are similar in age, because of illness and become an antagonist; from my mind, very familiar and common this Zhao uncle. That is the mid 1930s, my father because of acute infection of tinea pedis, the attack was very heavy, legs red line, on
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