
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yujiesky
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香石竹叶斑病、枯萎病、病毒病是发生在香石竹上的主要病害,在我国分布较广,发生普遍,降低观赏价值,常引起植株枯死,切花减产。1.叶斑病主要侵染叶片,病害多从下部叶片始发,严重者病部扭曲,病叶枯萎下垂倒挂于茎上,但不脱落。老叶发病多且重,新叶少,露地栽培比温室重。防治方法:从发病初期开始,定期喷药;摘芽、切花后应立即喷洒杀菌剂予以保护。用75%百菌清可湿性粉剂800-1000倍液喷雾,效果最好。另外,多雨季节要注意排水,温室栽培要保持通风透光。2.枯萎病整个生育期均可发病,导致植株枯萎,叶茎变色,呈稻草色。横切病茎,表现为褐色环纹。在高温季节发展极为迅速,危害最严重。防治方法:用58%苯来特1000倍液处理土壤,或用50%克菌丹可湿性粉剂或50%多菌灵500倍液在种植前浇灌土壤。生长期间应及时清除病株,予以销毁;应注意排水防涝;尽可能避免损伤香石竹的根系,以减少病菌侵入途径。3.病毒病常引起香石竹生长衰弱,花朵变小,花瓣出现杂色,花苞开裂等症状,降 Carnation leaf spot, blight, virus disease is the main disease occurred in carnation, widely distributed in our country, occurs generally, reducing the ornamental value, often causing the plants dead, cut flowers cut. 1. Leaf spot mainly infects the leaves, the disease mostly starts from the lower leaves, in severe cases the diseased parts distract the diseased leaves and hang down on the stem, but do not fall off. The incidence of old leaves and more heavy, less new leaves, open-field cultivation heavier than the greenhouse. Prevention and treatment methods: from the initial onset, regular spraying; pick buds, cut flowers should be sprayed immediately after the fungicide to be protected. With 75% chlorothalonil WP 800-1000 times the spray, the best. In addition, the rainy season should pay attention to drainage, greenhouse cultivation to maintain ventilation and light. Fusarium Wilt disease can occur throughout the growing period, leading to plant wilt, leaf stem color, was straw color. Transverse diseased stems, showing a brown ring. In the hot season, the development is extremely rapid and most dangerous. Control methods: Treat the soil with 1000% Bentil 1000 times, or water the soil with 50% Captan WP or 500% Carbendazim 500 times before planting. During the growth period should be promptly cleared of diseased plants, to be destroyed; should pay attention to drainage waterlogging; as far as possible to avoid damage to the roots of carnation to reduce pathogenic bacteria intrusion. 3. Often caused by the disease of carnation weak growth, smaller flowers, variegated petals, bud cracking and other symptoms, drop
在我所住的小区有两家卖副食品的小商店,一家的店主姓王,一家的店主姓马。店的规模大小差不多,而且也离的不是太远,但让我奇怪的是,店主姓王的小商店自从开业以来一直都大大好于店主姓马的小商店的生意。这究竟是怎么回事,当我从两家小商店分别买过白糖之后,终于明白了个中缘由。  一天中午炒菜时,家中白糖正好用完了,我便下楼先去生意好的那家店主姓王的小商店去买白糖,但不巧的是,正好他家的白糖也是刚卖完,准备下午
我们已经证实了冬虫夏草发酵液浸膏具有显著降低血浆TG的功能,本实验试图探讨共机制。 体内有一种脂蛋白脂酶(LPL),它能分解TG为甘油和白由脂肪(FFA)。正常时,LPL只能在毛细
Phenotype-driven is the name for an ap-proach used to study gene functions through mutagenesis, location and cloning of the mutant gene. In this study, 150 male