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“五四”运动前后,一些激进知识分子对中国人口素质相对低下的状况及其原因进行了分析;本着改良社会、强壮种族的愿望,他们向民众介绍西方的优生学理论,认为优生是重要的方面,优育是不能忽视的另一方面。为了推广优生学知识,达到优生优育的目的,他们认为人们应该了解男女两性的生理特点,了解生命孕育的过程,了解性的卫生等知识。因此,他们特别提出开展科学的性教育以及普及性知识的问题。“五四”运动前后优生学的传播对于人们的观念进步和中国的社会变迁产生了积极的影响。 Before and after May Fourth Movement, some radical intellectuals analyzed the situation of the relatively low population quality in China and its causes. In line with the aspiration to improve society and build strong ethnic groups, they introduced western eugenics theory to the public and thought that eugenics Is an important aspect of fertility is another aspect that can not be ignored. In order to promote the eugenics knowledge, to achieve the purpose of prenatal and postnatal care, they think that people should understand the physiological characteristics of both men and women, understand the process of birth, understanding of health and other knowledge. Therefore, they specifically put forward the issue of carrying out scientific sex education and popularizing knowledge. The spread of eugenics before and after the May Fourth Movement had a positive impact on the progress of people’s minds and the social changes in China.
提出了一种基于FPGA的HDB3编译码器的设计方案,运用QuartusII 8.0对设计方法进行了仿真分析,然后在CycloneII系列EP2C35开发板进行了实验验证。该HDB3码编译码器电路简洁,运
【正】 机器损坏险是国内企业财产险的一个附加险种,它是以被保险人所拥有的固定资产中在用的各类机器设备、机械装置为保险标的,以使用过程中可能发生的意外损坏为保险责任
在当前分子靶向药物治疗(targeted therapy,TT)时代,TT已经完全取代了细胞因子,成为转移性肾细胞癌(metastatic renal cell carcinoma,mRCC)患者全身治疗的标准治疗模式。尽