9月1日,学校开学了。这天,幼儿园的小孩子,一下成了小学一年级的学生。孩子入学,是人生旅途中的一次重要的飞跃和变化。给孩子带来一个从不适应到适应的过程,家长要努力帮助孩子尽快完成这个过程. 入学之前,幼儿生活的主要内容是游戏,小学生活的主要内容是学习——读写算的活动,与抽象的汉语拼音、汉字、阿拉伯数字、五线谱之类打交道。这样的重大变化,孩子一下子难以适应,是十
September 1, the school started. On this day, the kindergarten children, once became the first grade primary school students. Children enrollment is an important leap and change in the journey of life. To bring children to a process of adaptation from adaptation, parents should strive to help children complete the process as soon as possible .Before admission, the main content of children’s lives is the game, the primary content of primary school life is to learn - read and write activities, and Abstract Hanyu Pinyin, Chinese characters, Arabic numerals, staves and the like dealing with. Such a major change, children suddenly difficult to adapt, is ten