Study on the Crustal Velocity Model of Xinjiang and Its Subareas

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong513
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In this paper,we firstly analyze the “3,400 travel time table ”used for a long time in Xinjiang Seismological Network to obtain the velocity structure models in accord with the table by fitting. Then we fit the velocity of all seismic phases recorded in Xinjiang region in January 2009 ~ December 2013. Simulation analysis is done on the reliability and stability of the velocities,and a concept is proposed for building subarea crustal velocity models according to partitioning of seismic cluster regions. The crustal velocity model suitable for the Yutian area is fitted with the data of all phases of seismic events within a radius of 1°around the 2014 Yutian M_S7.3 earthquake since January 2009,and the model is applied to the relocation of the Yutian M_S7.3 earthquake and determination of focal depths of the earthquake sequence. In this paper, we analyzed analyze the “3,400 travel time table ” used for a long time in Xinjiang Seismological Network to obtain the velocity structure models in accord with the table by fitting. Then we fit the velocity of all seismic stations recorded in Xinjiang region in January 2009 ~ December 2013. Simulation analysis is done on the reliability and stability of the velocities, and a concept is proposed for building subarea crustal velocity models according to partitioning of seismic cluster regions. The crustal velocity model suitable for the Yutian area is fitted with the data of all phases of seismic events within a radius of 1 ° around the 2014 Yutian M_S7.3 earthquake since January 2009, and the model is applied to the relocation of the Yutian M_S7.3 earthquake and determination of focal depths of the earthquake sequence.
摘 要: 随着科技的不断发展,信息技术得到了相当迅速的发展,这其中网络平台的诞生,完全颠覆了信息的获取途径和传递方式,也为高校教学打开了新世界的大门。尤其是网络平台在高职院校英语教学中的应用,对原先的教学模式带来了一定的冲击。本文针对如何利用网络改进高职的英语教学进行了论述。  关键词: 网络平台 高职英语 教学改革  引言  21世纪的一切都在快速变化发展,以网络为代表的信息技术的发展堪称日新月
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