
来源 :现代军事 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:clys1986
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9.11事件中美国情报界的巨大失误引起了人们对情报界的关注。一系列调查报告,如《9.11委员会报告》、《两会联合调查报告》、《美国情报能力委员会关于大规模杀伤性武器的报告》等陆续出台。这些报告中反复提及了一些问题,其中之一就是美国情报界的协调问题,这是美国情报界长期存在的一个难以解开的“症结”。 The great blunders in the U.S. intelligence community during September 11 aroused people’s concern over the intelligence community. A series of investigation reports, such as the “Report of the 9.11 Committee,” “Joint Report on the Two Sessions,” and the “Report of the U.S. Intelligence Competence Commission on Weapons of Mass Destruction,” have been promulgated one after another. Some of these issues have been repeatedly mentioned in these reports. One of them is the issue of the coordination of the intelligence community in the United States. This is a long-standing crux of the United States intelligence community.
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“龙象之争”在高端大圆织机领域上演:中印两国企业竞购德国德乐,中方投资者中途主动放弃,印度企业并购成功,使得中国纺织机械制造行业丧失难得的“跃迁”机会。 “Dragon
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