Effects of Trawl Selectivity and Genetic Parameters on Fish Body Length Under Long-Term Trawling

来源 :Journal of Ocean University of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xucaijuan302
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Long-term fishing pressure affects the biological characteristics of exploited fish stocks. The biological characteristics of hairtail(Trichiurus lepturus) in the East China Sea are unable to recover because of long-term trawling. Fishing induces evolutionary effects on the fish’s biological characteristics. Evidence of these changes includes small size at age, a shift to earlier age structure, and early maturation. Natural and artificial selection usually affect the fish’s life history. Selection can induce different chances of reproduction, and individual fish can give a different genetic contribution to the next generation. In this study, analysis of time-dependent probability of significance and test of sensitivity were used to explore the effects of fish exploitation rate, mesh size, and heritability with long-term trawling. Results showed that fishing parameters were important drivers to exploited fish population. However, genetic traits altered by fishing were slow, and the changes in biological characteristics were weaker than those caused by fishing selection. Exploitation rate and mesh size exhibited similar evolutionary trend tendency under long-term fishing. The time-dependent probability of significance trend showed a gradual growth and tended to be stable. Therefore, the direction of fishing-induced evolution and successful management of fish species require considerable attention to contribute to sustainable fisheries in China. Long-term fishing pressure affects the biological characteristics of exploited fish stocks. The biological characteristics of hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus) in the East China Sea are unable to recover because of long-term trawling. Evidence of evolutionary effects on the fish’s biological characteristics. Evidence of these changes includes small size at age, a shift to earlier age structure, and early maturation. Natural and artificial selection generally affect the fish’s life history. Selection can induce different chances of reproduction, and individual fish can give a different genetic contribution to the next generation. In this study, analysis of time-dependent probability of significance and test of sensitivity were used to explore the effects of fish exploitation rate, mesh size, and heritability with long-term trawling. Results showed that fishing parameters were important drivers to exploited fish population. However, genetic traits altered by fishing were slow, and the chan ges in biological characteristics were weaker than those caused by fishing selection. Exploitation rate and mesh size successfully similar evolutionary trend tendency under long-term fishing. Therefore, the time-dependent probability of significance trend showed one gradual growth and tended to be stable. direction of fishing-induced evolution and successful management of fish species require displayed to contribute to sustainable fisheries in China.
【摘要】本文针对高中学生解读史料的现状,制定了史料解析原则,通过培养学生史料信息提取能力、理解能力、评价能力,有效提高了学生的史料解析能力。  【关键词】高中生 史料解析能力 培养  【基金项目】本文系河南省基础教育教学研究项目《高中文科生史料解析能力的培养研究》(河南省教育厅教基研〔2014〕795号,立项编号:JCJYB141125012)研究成果。  【中图分类号】G633.51【文献标识码
摘 要:在新《纲要》中明确指出:“幼儿园的教育活动,就是教师以多种形式有目的、有计划地引导幼儿生动活泼、主动活动的教育过程”。而要想引导幼儿积极地进行活动,游戏是最好的方式。对于幼儿来说,他们喜欢游戏,特别是户外游戏。基于此,为了促使农村幼儿园更好地进行户外游戏,以及对其进行观察,在接下来的文章中,将以农村幼儿园进行户外游戏的重要性为切入点,重点对其进行有效户外游戏的措施展开详细分析。  关键词:
【摘要】多媒体巧妙运用于语文课堂教学,可以充分激发学生的学习兴趣,化抽象为形象,帮助学生突破课文难点的学习,还能拓展学习空间,培养学生的语文综合能力。作为新科技时代的教师,我们应当把多媒体巧妙运用于教学中,优化语文课堂教学效果。  【关键词】多媒体 语文 教学 效果  【中图分类号】G623.2【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)03-0050-01  多媒体教学,作为学校