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2002年7月中旬,陕西省纪委接到群众举报:西安市体改办主任杨永明涉嫌向有关人员索贿6万元。对此,省纪委领导非常重视,迅速作出批示,要求严肃查处。很快,省纪委调集办案人员展开了紧张的调查,并于2002年8月21日对杨永明实施“两规”措施。经过一个多月的艰苦奋战,办案人员初步查清了杨永明自1996年5月以来,在任西安市体改委(体改办的前身)主任、市证券委员会副主任、市证券监督委员会主席期间,利用职务便利,大量收受西安达尔曼、西安旅游股份有限公司原始股和现金、违规购买咸阳偏转内部职工股以及多占住房变卖获利共1867435.4元等严重违纪违法问题。2002年10月11日,杨永明被陕西省人民检察院以涉嫌受贿依法逮捕。消息传出后,许多熟悉他的人都感到非常惊奇:一向精明能干又小心谨慎的杨永明怎么会走到这一步呢? In mid-July 2002, the Discipline Inspection Commission of Shaanxi Province received a report from the masses: Yang Yongming, director of the Institute for Restructuring the People’s Livelihood in Xi’an, allegedly sought to pay 60,000 yuan to the officials concerned. In this regard, the leadership of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection attaches great importance to promptly make instructions, requiring serious investigation. Soon, Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection mobilized investigators conducted a tense investigation and on August 21, 2002 Yang Yongming implement “two rules” measures. After more than a month of hard work, investigators initially identified Yang Yongming since May 1996, during his tenure as the director of the Commission for Restructuring the Economy in Xi’an (the predecessor of the body for reform), the deputy director of the Municipal Securities Commission and the chairman of the Securities Regulatory Commission of the city. Using his position to facilitate a large number of accepting the original shares and cash of Xi’an Dahlman, Xi’an Tourism Co., illegal purchase of Xianyang deflection internal staff shares and profit from the sale of housing for a total of 1867,435.4 yuan and other serious violations of laws and regulations. On October 11, 2002, Yang Yongming was arrested by Shaanxi Provincial People’s Procuratorate on suspicion of accepting bribes. After the news came out, many people who are familiar with him are very surprised: Yang Yongming, who has been smart, competent and careful, will come to this step?
该厂实施两水闭路循环:总投资为150万元,年经济效益达68万元,投资效益率办45.3%。文章对循环水的使用情况及工艺流程;两水闭路循环的运行操作等进行了介绍和叙述。 The implementa
九点整。此时的我正在考场上写作文。“压力” ,还需要写什么 ,这个考场给我带来的 ,不就是压力吗 ?在我看来 ,压力要么成就人 ,要么毁灭人 ,我不知道自己是在成就知识还是在
金秋时节 ,我迎着晚霞的余光 ,来到了于经理家的门前 ,我抬手按了一下门铃。“啊 ,是张老师呀 ,你怎么有空来 ?快进来 !”于夫人开门后 ,笑容满面地说 ,转身朝里喊道 :“小涛
记忆中 ,父亲很少与我交流 ,似乎父亲对于子女该表现的只有沉默。早起煮饭的是妈妈 ,摇扇驱蚊的是妈妈 ,问寒问暖的是妈妈 ,叮咛嘱咐的还是妈妈。“爸爸” ,这个名词儿似乎很