
来源 :河南石油 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vicky1924
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河南稠油资源品位低,开采难度大,效益差。近几年,通过实践,逐渐摸索出一套适应开发需要的科学生产管理方法,明显地改善了稠油开发效果。以提高热效率为核心,形成了八大生产管理制度;深化油藏认识,使油藏-工艺-管理三者有机结合,充分利用了地层储热,提高了周期吞吐开发水平;以降粘、防砂、堵窜为重点,实现了地面-井筒-油层三位一体工艺配套,保证了油井正常生产。 Henan heavy oil resources, low grade, difficult exploitation, poor efficiency. In recent years, through practice, we gradually developed a set of scientific production management methods that meet the needs of development and obviously improved the effect of heavy oil development. In order to improve thermal efficiency as the core, the formation of the eight production management system; deepen understanding of the reservoir, the reservoir - process - management of the three organic integration, make full use of stratum heat storage and improve the cycle of throughput development level; viscosity, sand control, Channeling as the focus, to achieve the ground - wellbore - reservoir Trinity supporting technology to ensure the normal production wells.
The title compound (C 15 H 13 ClN 2OS, M r =304.9) crystallizes in the triclinic system space group P1, a=7.984(2), b=9.712(1), c=11.140(1),
小儿盘状软骨损伤很少见。Smillie在1300例半月板损伤的报告中,仅有29例为盘状软骨损伤。但我们收治的半月软骨损伤25例中有15例盘状软骨损伤,现报告如下: 1 临床资料 1.1
性能是超级跑车的立身之本,有着赛道传奇经历的宾利,将舒适与性能完美结合,即使是史上最快的GT Speed。6,0升W12缸双涡轮增压发动机在全新的双离合八速变速箱的配合下,尾翼自
有赚钱的诱惑,有出名的机会有漂亮的演员……但也有破财的可能 “影视奇才”辈出“大好形势”可疑拿到一个本子,拉到一笔赞助,凑起一班人马,一部电影或电视剧就似乎完成一半
A new cyclic peptide, prepatellamide A (1), along with three known cyclic peptides (2)-(4), was isolated from the ascidian Lissodinum patella. The structure of