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赵梅生,山西闻喜县人。任教师职50余载,获全国教育系统劳模奖章,参与国家师范美术教科书编写。早年加入中国美术家协会,创办太原画院曾任副院长。2005年被国家科学技术奖励大会授予“优秀人民艺术家”称号。赵梅生属于20世纪前期的老一代画家与当今的少壮派衔接的一代。1925年12月出生于山西闻喜县城,时值梅花开时,故取名梅生。其祖父尚有家业,父为当地花鸟画家,惜在其4岁时早逝。母擅女红,为剪纸好手,他从小在母亲的感染中开始涂鸦,时剪刻皮影人物演示于窗。幼年就读私塾,得启蒙老师赵耀青指授,习读古文,临习古籍木版图书中的人物插图等。他自16岁在儿童教养院担任美术教师,后任教小学、中学、师专、师范,一直从事美术教学工作,在担任太原画院副院长之前,站了半个世纪讲坛,是一位教师出生的艺术家。从1952年起自学西画素描、速写、水彩、油画,以漫画、连环画为主要创作体裁,在教学之余出版过四本连环画,发表漫画千幅之多。自1960年由西画、漫画、连环画等杂项转作中国画。四十多年来,他在中图画领域潜心研究,自觉进行文化思考和艺术探索,他高扬不食古人残羹的旗帜,在中国画领域大胆创新,特立独行,其画作立意新奇、章法新奇、语汇新奇,表现了画家对中国画的深刻理解 Zhao Meisheng, Shanxi Wenxi County. As a teacher for more than 50 years, won the national education system model worker medal, participate in the national normal art textbook preparation. Early years to join the Chinese Artists Association, founder of Taiyuan Painting Academy former vice president. In 2005 by the National Science and Technology Awards granted “outstanding people artist ” title. Zhao Meisheng belongs to the generation of the older generation of painters in the early twentieth century and the younger generation nowadays. Born in December 1925 in Wenxi County, Shanxi Province, when plum blossom, it is named Mei Sheng. His grandfather still has a family business, the father is a local flower and bird painter, but unfortunately at the age of 4 died young. Female talented woman, paper cutting expert, he began to graffiti in his mother’s infection, cut the shadow play character demo at the window. Junior school private school, enlightenment teacher Zhao Yaoqing fingerprinting, reading classical Chinese, learning ancient books woodcut books figure illustrations. Since he was 16, he has been an art teacher in a children’s recuperation school. After teaching elementary, middle school, teacher training and teacher training, he has been engaged in art teaching. Before he became vice president of Taiyuan Academy of Art, he stood half a century pulpit and was a teacher born Artist. Since 1952, he has been teaching self-illustrated sketches, sketches, watercolor paintings and oil paintings, comic books and comics as the main creative genre. He has published four comic books and published thousands of comic books while teaching. Since 1960, Western paintings, comics, comics and other miscellaneous transferred to Chinese painting. Over the past 40 years, he has devoted himself to studying Chinese painting and consciously conducts cultural exploration and art exploration. He elevated the banner of ancient people’s residual bread, made bold innovations in the field of Chinese painting, and mavericked his paintings. His paintings are novel and novel, The novelty of the language expresses the artist’s profound understanding of Chinese painting
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楚雄民族师范学校始创于 1 936年 1 0月 6日 ,时名“镇南师范” ,校址在今南华县城内 ;1 95 3年东迁楚雄城南雁塔山 ,名为楚雄师范 ;1 984年更名为楚雄民族师范学校。建校至