做强一层 精干二层 搞活三层

来源 :上海国资 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anwencheng2005
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近几年来,上海建设系统国有企业的改革取得了突破性的进展,国有大中型骨干企业已经初步建立起现代企业制度的基本框架;国有企业的内部机制开始向适应市场经济体制的要求转变;国有资产的配置逐步优化,国有资产的支配控制能力已有提高;国有资产的保值增值得到了保证;国有大型企业集团已成为全市以至全国同行业的骨干龙头企业。建设系统的一些行之有效的改革做法和经验,得到了国家建设部和市政府的肯定和重视。但对照党的十五大精神,从适应市场经济体制的要求来看,建设系统的国有企业的改革还任重道远。随着改革的深化,深层次的问题更加明显地暴露出来:如适应市场能力薄弱,内部机制转换不快,所有制结构不尽合理,国有资本总体质 In recent years, breakthroughs have been made in the reform of state-owned enterprises in the Shanghai construction system. Large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises have initially established the basic framework of the modern enterprise system; the internal mechanisms of state-owned enterprises have begun to adapt to the requirements of the market economy system; The allocation of assets has been gradually optimized, and the state-owned assets’ controlling power has been improved; the value-added and value-added of state-owned assets have been guaranteed; and state-owned large-scale enterprise groups have become the leading enterprises in the same industry in the whole city and even the whole country. Some effective reform methods and experiences of the construction system have been affirmed and valued by the Ministry of Construction and the municipal government. However, in light of the spirit of the 15th Party Congress and the requirements of adapting to the market economy system, it is still a long way to go to build a systematic reform of state-owned enterprises. With the deepening of reforms, deep-seated problems have become more apparent: If the ability to adapt to the market is weak, the internal mechanism is not converted quickly, the ownership structure is not reasonable, and the overall state-owned capital is qualitative.
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