
来源 :中国医疗保险 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sjtwwf
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四川省崇州市医保局为遏制医疗费用不正常增长,通过网、筛、滤、剔方式,实现对定点医疗机构的精细化管理。一、网把所有定点医疗机构纳入在全市监管网内,实现全覆盖。建立每月定时医疗费用审管工作例会,形成合力,强化监管力度。二、筛例会上,根据定点医疗机构当月申报的各项数据指标、上月存在问题的整改落实情况,以及现场监管情况,按照红、黄、绿三色进行分类管理,实现医保事前、事中、事后监管的无缝衔接。对指标数据特别不正常、问题突出的和数据异常、日常监管存在问题的,分别纳入红色、黄色管理,暂停拨付当月费用;没有发现问题的,纳入绿色管理,进入 Chongzhou City, Sichuan Province, Medical Insurance Bureau to curb the abnormal growth of medical costs, through the net, screen, filter, tick way to achieve the fine-point management of medical institutions. First, the network of all designated medical institutions included in the city’s regulatory network, to achieve full coverage. Establish a monthly routine medical expenses audit routine work to form a concerted effort to strengthen supervision. Second, the screening meeting, according to the designated medical institutions in the month to declare the various indicators of the data, the implementation of the rectification of the problems in the previous month, as well as on-site supervision, in accordance with the red, yellow and green color management, to achieve health insurance before and during , Seamless supervision of the convergence. If the indicator data is not normal, the problem is outstanding and the data is abnormal, there are problems in the daily supervision and administration, respectively, and should be included in the management of red and yellow, and the monthly expenses should be temporarily suspended. If no problems are found,
例1 男,9个月。生后6个月起始不规则发热,近10天持续高热、咳喘、纳差、腹泻入院。体检:面黄,左外耳道流脓,躯干、面部散在淡红色出血性或棕褐色斑丘疹,少数结痂脱屑后留有
本文统计我院自1960年至1982年二孔型房间隔缺损(ASD)72例,心内膜垫缺损(ECD)3例,计75例。均经手术证实并有较完备的临床及X线资料,现报告和分析如下: 临床资料 一、性别与
目的 :比较克拉霉素含量测定的HPLC法和微生物效价测定法两种方法的平行性。方法 :采用HPLC法和微生物法测定 3批样品的标示量。结果 :HPLC法测定的 3批样品的标示量为 97.98
【摘 要】   贵州省自2003年实施“让党员干部经常受教育、使农民长期得实惠”的农村党员干部现代化远程教育项目以来,在实践中取得了较好的成效,积累了丰富的经验。本文总结了贵州省农村党员干部现代远程教育项目的具体建设状况、应用现状以及取得的成绩,针对项目实施过程中存在的问题和困难,思考了该项目持续发展的对策。  【关键词】贵州;农村党员干部现代化远程教育;实践;思考    【中图分类号】G420【