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英明领袖华主席今年一月三十日为迠材工业题了词:“自力更生,艰苦奋斗,加速发展迠材工业,为实现四个现代化做出贡献。”华主席的光辉题词,是我国迠材工业战线政治生活中的一件大喜事,是对全国迠材行业广大职工的亲切关怀、巨大鼓午和有力的鞭策,是推动迠材工业高速度发展的强大动力,我们一定要认真学习,坚决贯彻。迠材工业是利用炖矸石、石(?)渣等废料的大户,综合利用的途径广,汘力大,处理量多,各地已经取得了一些成果,本期发表的几篇文章可供参考。华主席指出:“要大量利用(?)矸石、石(?)”,最近又对辽宁省南票矿务局搞(?)矸石综合利用的先进经验作了重要批示。我们一定要遵循华主席的这一系列指示,自力更生,艰苦奋斗,发动群众,因地制宜,抓住重点,全面规划,在垟体材料的生产中大量利用(?)矸石、石(?)渣等工业废渣,把发展新型迠筑材料同治理“三废”、保护环(土井)结合起来,为加速四个现代化的实现不断作出贡献。 On the 30th of January this year, Chairman Yingming Leader Hua inscribed a message for the coffin industry: “Self-reliance and hard work, accelerating the development of the coffin industry and contributing to the realization of the four modernizations.” President Gwang’s brilliant inscription is the Chinese coffin The big event in the political life of the industrial front is a kind concern for the employees of the national coffin industry, a great sensation and a powerful spur, and it is a powerful driving force for the high-speed development of the coffin industry. We must study earnestly and firmly. implement. The coffin industry is a large-scale use of waste materials such as stewing gangue and stone (slag) slag. It has a wide range of methods for comprehensive utilization, large scale, and a large amount of processing. Some achievements have been made in various regions. Several articles published in this issue are available for reference. Chairman Hua pointed out: “We must make heavy use of (矸) 矸石, 石 (?)”, and recently made important instructions on the advanced experience of comprehensive utilization of gangue by the Nantuo Mining Bureau of Liaoning Province. We must follow Chairman’s instructions of this series, rely on our own efforts, work hard, mobilize the masses, adapt our measures to local conditions, grasp key points, and make overall plans. We must make heavy use of (?) gangue and stone (?) slag in the production of enamel materials. Waste slag combines the development of new types of building materials with the treatment of “three wastes” and protection rings (dots), and continues to contribute to accelerating the realization of the four modernizations.
在2008年9月和2009年2月,采用改良干漏斗方法(Modified Tullgren)对黄淮海地区长期定位施肥试验下中小型土壤节肢动物进行调查。试验包括氮磷钾(NPK)、氮磷(NP)、氮钾(NK)、
本文讨论了直接影响捣实效率的新拌混凝土的性质,如和易性、稠度及易密实性(compactability)。并分析了影响稠度的因素,如含水量及延续时间。 文章说明,粗骨料的比重以及稠度